1. Just a few ATVs on the roads. Our vehicles GPS recognized Elberta Slant Rd (ESR) after we missed the first turnoff at this dirt road and went down the west side of the mountain on the paved road. When you have gone 31 miles youll come to a road that heads southwest. Most of the Dugway geodes I have collected have been hollow and full of chalcedony and beautiful druzy quartz crystals. This article will dive deeper into the many great rockhounding sites across the state (along with maps), but Id like to highlight a few standouts here. Survey Notes, v. 27 no. The private quarries are well marked. We visited this location the last two Saturdays and finally found the specific site spoken of in several of the resources Ive come across (we think). Hi Rich! The area with the most rockhounding locations to check out is south of I-70, offering specimens of many minerals including carnotite, chalcedony, agate, selenite, barite, and pyrolusite. Turn right (West) on East Main Street for 16.6 miles to Elberta Slant Road, 3. Just curious if you encountered people who practiced target shooting nearby? Bureau of Land Management maps are available from: BLM Utah Office There are many rockhounding clubs in Utah so you can choose one that works best for you. Ill change that pronto! Have fun collecting! They have an excavator on site and are constantly digging up new clay to sift through to get to the geodes. Near this intersection Apache Tears can be found scattered on the surface of the ground. See ourrockhounding map. E-mail:[emailprotected] Turn north on the dirt road and drive about two miles, then turn west toward Topaz Mountain. Learn how your comment data is processed. Home; Visit; Dewey Bridge Campground; Dewey Bridge Campground. Directions to Agate Hill near Bryce Canyon: From the intersection of 800 North and I-15 in Orem, Utah 1. Fluorite, Bertrandite, Carnotite, Chalcedony, Chalcopyrite, Fluorite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Quartz. This usually makes for a great adventure and you may want to bring a kite or a pinwheel or something for the kids. Hinckley UT, 84635 There are so many rockhounding locations in Utah that it can be overwhelming. Actinolite, Barite, Orthclase, Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Galena, Magnetite, Malachite, Pyrite, Cerussite, Limonite, Rhodochrosite, Sphalerite, etc. Southern Utah is a veritable playground for rockhounds, offering a wide variety of location types including old mining dumps, stream and river gravels, washes, draws, and placer deposits. Antlerite, Bornite, Fluorite, Hematite, Limonite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Cerussite, Galena, Quartz, Barite, Chalcopyrite, Chrysocolla, Malachite. Turn right onto the Black Spring dirt road and park in the open area by the watering trough. This Agate Hill is truly a hill made up almost entirely of agatejust about every single rock you pick up will be some sort of agate. Albite, Alunite, Bornite, Calcite, Chalcocite, Copper, Cuprite, Rutile, Sylvanite, Tenorite, many other minerals. Coffinite, Doloresite, Uraninite, Azurite, Chalcocite, Chalcopyrite, Cuprite, Malachite, Pyrite, Vanadium, Carnotite, Cerussite, Galena, Fluorite, etc. PO BOX 146100 . as the post says, pretty much any rock you pick up is agate. Hi Yang! amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The Agate Lexicon and glossary of amorphous and cryptocrystalline silica gems have been designed to be used in conjunction with the Agate Bibliography, which was compiled to be used by researchers, hobbyists, historians, lapidaries and other individuals which have an interest in these stones. Agate, Amethyst, Apatite, Fluorite, Chalcedony, Garnet, Topaz, Cerussite, Chalcopyrite, Chlorite, Galena, Hematite, Limonite, Pyrite, Sphalerite, etc. We were actually just out here again a week or two ago and didnt really encounter any other people. Several specialized programs comprise the UGS: Data Management, Energy & Minerals, Geologic Hazards, Geologic Information & Outreach, Geologic Mapping, Groundwater & Wetlands, and Paleontology. These are mostly comprised of old mining prospects, washes, streams, and historically known rock and mineral collecting sites. 435-864-8823 We didnt run into too many other people around the area (Probably because of the season), but I did notice that many of the trees on and around the hill had been cut down with all of the limbs cut off and left there. 1: Agate Hill Utah Rockhound Guide One man's ramblings in the deserts and mountains of Utah. Follow the dirt road for 1.4 miles to its end. The majority of these locations are my interpretation of Robert Bestes A Location Guide for Rock Hounds in the United States. No matter where you are in the state of Utah there is bound to be a large selection of rocks and minerals to search for somewhere nearby. About 25% of it was Chicken Scratch Jasper. Curved, onion-like fractures may form. I can confirm this. This area is super fun to explore in general. The road goes into a kind of a cove and here can be found chalcedony of various colors from purple to pink, black, yellow's, bluish whites, etc. You can order the new CD by Alice Gerrard, Gail Gillespie, and Sharon Sandomirsky: "The Road to Agate Hill." Alice is the composer of the song, "Agate Hill" that inspired Lee while she was writing her new novel, "On Agate Hill." Work the canyon bottom and foothills for specimens. Drive up the hill and over the crest. In general, the best places to rockhound in Utah are the gravels of streams, washes, and draws, as well as old mining dumps and rocky outcrops. We found so many awesome agate pieces! I enjoy collecting and tumbling rocks with my daughter and traveling the world with my wife seeing geologic wonders. Follow that road 17 miles to the Denderite site. A single grave of 19 year old Matt Evans still remains and is located near the 4 way intersection in Joy. I made it out here a month or so definitely one of my favorite spots. Fillmore: Follow I-15 south to Exit 146 south to Kanosh. Drive to the end of the spur road and then start looking for fossils in the wash and on the mountainside. As a city dweller not from the area, its helpful to note that Main St is US Hwy 6 (west.) We ended up going to several of the mine dumps in the mountains just East of town (really nice stuff!) One of the most common questions rockhounds have is whether or not they are allowed to collect at a certain location. Agate Hill is at the intersection of Spencer and Cave Avenues. I noticed right off the bat several large boulders of agate just chilling right there in the creek. to S, Tintic Mountains, many area mines and claims, Cricket Mountains, in Prospect Mt. Take ramp on left onto US-189 N/E Provo Canyon Road, 3. Some of the roads might require a higher clearance vehicle once you leave the highway, but I would recommend just setting up camp and hiking around. Denderite can be found in theAntelope Springsarea. We parked on the road there and spent the majority of the time on the lower end of the river. Take Nephi exit 228 and keep right on Main Street (SW) for 2.7 miles, 3. Physical Description: 367 p. ; 24 cm. Agate Hill Inn Corner of Spencer and Cave Avenues Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829 Phone: (719)685-0685 . Turn left (East) onto UT-20 E and drive 20.5 miles to US-89, 3. Inquire locally for ideas and directions. found tons of agate and volcanic rock here. but the chicken scratch was the most interesting. They are uprooting all the juniper trees so the water table is higher. Though there are many locations listed here, this list is far from exhaustive. The effort is mostly centered on old claims in the Amasa Valley, southwest of Marjum Canyon. Beryl, Fluorite, Scheelite, Azurite, Gold, Malachite, Galena, Pyrolusite, Beryl, Sphalerite, etc. Turn east and travel on the dirt road 5.25-5.5 miles. The ground this day was lightly dusted with snow and the creek was mostly frozen over, but we bundled up and braved the wind and the cold for a day of nice hunting. Drive 21.5 miles and turn left (North) onto US-189 N/Us-40 W/South Main Street in Heber, 4. We were late on a maintenance waiver and the BLM was able to take them away. We are doing an expedition to the Eureka Site this coming Saturday. You should be able to gather which ones are more hollow or contain cavities by the weight alone. If you would be so kind as to clarifying the directions for me and include GPS coordinates if youve recorded them. Agate is scattered over the top of the large hill to the west. Turn Right (West) on W 100 North for 33.2 miles until you hit Highway 6, 4. Drive 4.7 miles and turn right (Northeast) onto N State Road 32, 5. Curious if you ended up going to this site and if its still a good spot? We know of plenty of spots to find excellent material for cutting and tumbling. We are meeting across the street from the Family Tree restaurant in Santquin at 9:00. THROUGH GAMES OF WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2023. In an area with many junipers they use the available ground water before other vegetation can access it. Agate, Agatized clams, Anhydrite, Carnotite, Gypsum, Jasper, Jasperized dinosaur bones, Petrified wood. Hi Jeremy! This part of the state is probably the best place to find semiprecious gemstones like agate, jasper, and petrified wood, particularly in Emery and Grand Counties. To make things easier, Ill break the state up into several areas and discuss the rockhounding sites and anything noteworthy in each region. Mahogany, snowflake, and black obsidian can be found on the hillsides and on the roadbeds near Coyote Spring and Black Spring. Box 1113 Thanks again for your comment! Anhydrite, Chalcopyrite, Copper, Gold, Gypsum, Malachite, Agate, Jasper, Petrified dinosaur bone, Jasperized dinosaur bone. Nearby cities include Cisco, Westwater. We went out to this site yesterday. Glauconite, Collophane, Apatite, Francolite, Phosphorite. I'm Mike Rhea, and I'm a professional Geologist with a passion for rocks, minerals, and everything related to Geology. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Apache tears can be found off the south west side ofTopaz Mountain. 1: Agate Hill What a way to kick off a new season. Oxide patterns color these rocks to make them look like plant fossils. On this mountain it is easy to find shale rock containing large numbers of fossils. At this spot, you can see the towering sandstone monoliths in Capitol Reef National Park several miles to the west. Specimens may become depleted from other collectors, the location may have been built on or altered, locality information in literature may be inaccurate, and property ownership may have changed hands. Could have driven my car there. It will be on the left. P.O. Some of the more common specimens found in the area are cerussite, bornite, azurite, malachite, pyrite, and galena. Road is good. We were still able to find some really great stuff including black and red jasper pieces. We spent the rest of the day searching the area they suggested we try, but were, for the most part, unsuccessful (not to mention extremely tired). I think the majority of shooters generally go over to the Lake Mountains up North or maybe further out into the West Desert. This made for an easy scoping of the area, but I didnt know the reason for it. Take the main trail from the road and hike just barely over 1 mile and you will see thedigs up on the mountain to your left about 180feet from the trail, 8. Many specimens are broken nodules or pebbles. The colors most seen are clear, white, purple, and pink (I really like the pink ones for some reason). My two elementary aged kids and I had a great time here today. Were headed back out soon for a short summer S.Utah rockhounding trip and noticed the spot at Twisted Forest (which weve snowmobiled over a dozen times in the thick of winter!) Thanks Bill. My parents wanted to get me a birthday present that was customized to me. On the north side of the road, collecting can begin next to the road and continue up the hillslopes. Hi Jason! I live in Idaho and Id like to head down that way, but not if its for nothing. Sunday, May 4, 2008 Thomas Range Pt. Bieberite, Chalcopyrite, Galena, Marcasite, Pyrite, Sphalerite, Uraninite, etc. wasnt sure if the picture to post was accurate or if the hill is just behind whoever took the picture as thats where i found my rocks. Agate Hill near Bryce Canyon - Rockhounding Utah The second location we decided to visit this weekend was on the other side of Highway 143 near the town of Panguitch ("the Gateway to Bryce Canyon National Park"). The southern region of the state is home to expansive sandstone plateaus that turn up nice specimens of quartz-family minerals such as agate, jasper, petrified wood, and septarian nodules. The Rockhounder: Agate, chert, jasper, and petrified wood between Capitol Reef National Park and Caineville, Wayne County, LEARN MORE ABOUT THE UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Copyright - Utah Geological Survey - State of Utah. For more information on the private quarries, contact: U-Dig Fossils Garnet (pyrope, Arizona Rubies), Chlorite, Corundum, Rutile, Spinel. Thanks so much. If youre planning on heading to the field, make sure you have all the gear youll need! Since those dont look like very good directions to Brian Head, you might want to change it to Agate Hill You can delete this log, but I just wanted to let you know about the copy/paste error. 350 East 300 South Agate Map The City of Agate is located in Grand County in the State of Utah. A couple of things.googlemap shows more roads than still exist. You can dig pretty much anywhere, but the claim is located near the Northeast corner of the beds and the easiest route to get there is to take the road that wraps wide around the left side and pops out on the North side of the claim. We followed your directions and stayed at the East base of the hill, found a good wash area and scored some amazing rocks! Follow the east dirt road until you see a knoll outcropping hill north of the road. Augite, Azurite, Cerussite, Fluorite, Galena, Malachite. Utah is virtually unmatched in the variety of gemstones and sheer number of rockhounding locations ready to be explored. Nevertheless, it is a good location to add to Utahs vast database of rockhounding opportunities! One, 1 gal Bucket not to Exceed 10 lbs is only $ 40.00 One, 3 gal Bucket not to Exceed 30 lbs is only $ 80.00 One, 5 gal Bucket not to Exceed 50 lbs is only $100.00 Pricing Discounts for Large Groups and Clubs! Road was wet and muddy in places, i used 44 to stop sliding around. 801-537-3320 or 1-888-UTAH-MAP. Directions: From the junction of Hwy. It is commonly called Bacon or Candy Strip Opal, but is also referred to as Hyalite Opal. Just call: Jerry at (801) 503-8736 for a Date and Time., 2. I am conducting the expedition and I am inviting you to come with us. Youll find some killer burgers and some proud Eurekans who are always good for a story or two. The locations and information contained in this article are primarily derived from academic papers, online resources, and other outside sources. So many colors in the rocks we found. Drive South on I-15 for 178.4 miles until exit 95 toward US-89/Panguitch/Kanab, 2. From the turnoff you can clearly see the mountain. Golden labradorite is believed to increase inner strength, vitality, courage, mental clarity, endurance and spiritual focus. Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, Mailing Address: Almost all of the mine shafts in this particular area have been covered, but I would still keep a close eye on the kiddos. Drive South on I-15 for 26.7 miles to Santaquin exit 244, 2. Agate Hill Inn Corner of Spencer and Cave Avenues Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829 Phone: (719)685-0685 . Just spent 2 great collection days here at lovely agate hill, & what a view too. I gladly complied. Agate is scattered over the top of the large hill to the west. Hematite, Limonite, Pyrolusite, Magnetite, Thorium, Fluorite, Apatite, Albite, Calcite, Chalcedony, Diopside, Epidote, Garnet, Galena, Quartz, Rutile, etc. These sediments eventually became mudstones, sandstones, and conglomerates; cavities in these rocks were later filled in with the quartz. Travel about 43 miles, passing the Graymont lime plant, to the sign saying Kanosh 26 (miles.) Im curious what color the mossy pieces were. Agate is found here and also some geodes, but they're harder to find. To get to the hill, drive northeast from Delta on US Hwy 6/50 to the Brush Wellman Road (about 11 miles). From my limited knowledge on how agates are formed, I assumed that the numerous amount of agate material was due to these large ancient lava beds. Enjoy an old fashioned traditional veranda that invites you to sit, relax and enjoy our gardens or the foothills of Pike's Peak. Funny story! Pyrolusite, Siderite, Cerussite, Galena, Jasper, Limonite, Pyrite, Azurite, Barite, Bismuth, Malachite, Marcasite, Garnet, etc. The agate and chert at this location are white, gray, green, purple, orange, and red. If dealing in agate is your game, then you might want to consider doing some business just Northeast of Eureka. This is super unfortunate because this is one of our favorite go-to locations for when we only have time for a quick run close to home. 1594 West North Temple, Suite 3110 From precious gems to ancient fossils, much can be found in our West Desert country. stands for Rockhounders Outreach for Community Knowledge. The only problem with coming as a guest is you wont be covered under our club accident insurance. Apatite, Biotite, Barite, Cerussite, Limonite, Rhodochrosite, Galena, Magnetite, Hornblende, Prehnite, Pyrite, Quartz, Sphene, Scheelite, Silver, Stilbite, Zircon, etc. Drive pass the sign to the west end of the pavement. As such, this truly is an agate-lovers paradise with multiple colors, multiple varieties, and an abundance of material. Turn west and travel 38 miles until you reach the Topaz Mountain sign. Proceed to I-25 taking I-25 north to exit 141. amzn_assoc_title = "Some of my favorite rockhounding gear from Amazon:"; Agate can be found in many excellent colors at Agate Hill. $24.95. The second location we decided to visit this weekend was on the other side of Highway 143 near the town of Panguitch (the Gateway to Bryce Canyon National Park). Glad You Asked: Ice Ages What are they and what causes them? Roseburg, OR (97470) Today World-famous Fossil Mountain holds perhaps the most diverse accumulation of fossils in one area in the world. Hi Yiwen! Natural Resources Map & Bookstore From Caineville, travel 8.5 miles west on Utah Highway 24 to where the road crests over a pass. Lake Superior Agate, Moon Cake Mold, Not Handmade Collectible Vintage Greeting Cards, Starbucks City Mugs, Collectible Newspapers (1940-1969) Additional site navigation. If you would like to read some of the source material for yourself I have listed them below. It is probably only a 45 minute drive (max) from Orem. Sorry for the delay in response. Please update your website letting people know there is no longer a fee to dig geodes. Ive heard of some really cool fossils people have found in the area. Aragonite, Bloedite, Gypsum, Halite, Thenardite, Mirabilite. I am aware of previous and/or existing claims in this area. Salt Lake City is even home to the worlds largest open-pit copper mine. It is always good to have water or a spray bottle nearby when hunting for agates to get an idea of what each specimen will look like when polished so this location with the creek running right through the middle was ideal. website, A New Dig Most state lands are administered by the Schools and Institutional Trust Lands Administration. Galena, Pyrite, Quartz, Sphalerite, Cerussite, Silver, Hematite, Limonite, Pyrolusite, Pyrite, Barite, Jasper, etc. For many of the locations listed here, there are actually many sites in the immediate area worth investigating. Obsidian can be found west of Black Rock. Obviously, it seems silly to randomly dig holes all over the mountainside, but you might have similar luck checking holes where someone (or something) has already done the work for you. Drive Hwy 257 south from Deseret for about 43 miles, until you come to a sign identifying a road that heads east. Many people like to combine their trip out to Topaz Mountain with a stop over to the Dugway Geode Beds because of their close proximity to each other. Ive actually also heard of some really nice pieces actually coming from inside the mines around the area. Stibnite, Galena, Hematite, Limonite, Azurite, Magnetite, Malachite, Muscovite, Anglesite, Azurite, Cerussite, Galena, Malachite, Azurite, Barite, Cerussite, Galena, Wulfenite, Anglesite, Barite, Cerussite, Galena, Jarosite, Limonite, Pyrite, Smithsonite, Biotite, Monazite, Molybdenite, Uraninite, Xenotime. I like to learn to use it . amzn_assoc_linkid = "449ea551b1326ba1099098f322f2d915"; Follow that road southwest and then south for 12.5 miles to a spur which heads southwest to the north side of Fossil Mountain. The petrified wood is tan and found in small pieces. After getting the Subaru stuck in a massive snow bank for a severalhours, it becameapparent that hiking in was our only chance. If you search in the right place you may even be able to find some plume agate and snowflake obsidian. Drive another 10.4 miles to the four way stop in the town of Francis and go straightonto UT-35 East/W Main Village Way, 6. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Drive South on I-15 for 178.4 miles until exit 95 toward US-89/Panguitch/Kanab, 2. Ankerite, Carnotite, Dolomite, Galena, Pyrite, Tetrahedrite, Uraninite, etc. Agate, Anhydrite, Carnotite, Chalcedony, Gypsum, Jasper, Selenite, Sulfur, Agate, Carnotite, Chalcedony, Chert, Petrified dinosaur bone, Jasper, Silicified wood, Agate, Chalcedony, Chert, Jasper, Opal, Opalized wood, Quartz crystals, Agatized clams, Agatized dinosaur bones, Jasperised dinosaur bone, Jasper, Barite, Calcite, Manganite, Pyrolusite, Rhodochrosite, Actinolite, Calcite, Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Chalcopyrite, Fluorite, Hematite, Malachite, Limonite, Quartz, Azurite, Agate, Chalcedony, Chert, Silicified dinosaur bone, Petrified wood. Dolomite, Galena, Pyrolusite, beryl, Fluorite, Galena, Malachite, Pyrite, Tetrahedrite, Uraninite etc... 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