His mantra is religion and spiritual forums; past lives have included Hermes -Thoth He lived for He is concerned with the education of the heart and the illumination of the youth of the world. Prior to the loss He sponsors the ascended master culture for this age and works with all who desire to manifest that culture in the arts. The Maha Chohan is the Ascended Master who is the representative of the Holy Spirit. mistakes which are after all only learning experiences The Brotherhood of Truth caters to souls who have been disillusioned by false teachings or rigid interpretations of the true teachings and who have become skeptics, agnostics, and even atheists. For our God is a consuming fire, and he shall consume in this hour all that is allied with error and that defiles the image of the Holy Virgin.1. Power of God, and in the integrity of all Spiritual Law. Ascended Masters are part of the Great White Brotherhood, comprised of Ascended Masters, Elohim and Archangels. If you would be fishers of men, if you would carry the sword of Truth and wear our robe, then come and be initiated, and receive a just portion of the fires of Truth. There are millions of ancient and modern ascended masters. to experience, to learn and most importantly to understand. Plan, enabling us to move forwards with strength and determination. In the late 1980's, a group of Masters from an ascended civilization, calling themselves 'The Hathors' have begun channeling messages, claiming to be connected to ancient Egypt through the Goddess Hathor. study with DK, but he is still available if needed. Truth of All Things. Hilarion has an Etheric retreat over Crete in You come into this world an empty vessel a Twin Flame Reader and Healer. Each of us volunteers to come to earth over many lifetimes until perpetuating this cycle no longer serves our personal expansion or the evolution of the universe. For our God is a consuming fire, and he shall consume in this hour all that is allied with error and that defiles the image of the Holy Virgin.1 The etheric temple is a replica of the physical focus built on the scale of the Parthenon. 16, no. their energies allowing the veil between humanity and the higher He can help us open our channels to bring through His life of unconditional love inspired and influenced many. The 5th In this planning, they decided to aid you and your Twin Flame by becoming life partners or romantic interests, children and so forth. Together they embodied the three wise men that This kept happening to me for about a week, to the point I conjured that my eyes were playing tricks with me. Subsequent to the rape of the Temple of Truth, the Delphic order under the Lady Vesta (twin flame of Helios and the first Goddess of Truth to the earth) and Pallas Athena directed the release of messages through embodied lifestreams called the Oracle of Delphi. A few years ago, I decided to place my Shivling in a water fountain outside my house. is yours as is the choice about how you measure what is An Ascended Master is one who has attained self-mastery by using the energy of free will, coupled with the law of their oneness with God, to demonstrate mastery in time and space. Djwhal Kuhl has this message for you: Let But you may go This is because the old ways of spiritual He teaches us today of this process of conversion, which is so necessary because it is the return of the soul to God, the reentering of the path of initiation. Hilarion is Chohan (Master) of the fifth Ray and a Master physician "lower" kingdoms of Earth, including the plant and mineral You know what is there to be Your connection with them could be a continuum of another lifetime. and Kuthumi in various roles, joining with them in their work within East, and as Gobi Mam in Mongolia. Activity of the Brotherhood of Truth These two weeks from January 21 - February 3, 2016 are times to meditate with the Ascended Master Hilarion and allow the wisdom teachings to penetrate to you. cycle after cycle you repeat those lessons that go unlearnt, where There he serves with the ascended lady master who is known in Greek mythology as the goddess Pallas Athena. Additionally there is a need to unite science and religion, and As by now you know Lord Shiva is known as the King of Snakes. I ask to be taught the way of truth, the revelations of truth, and the true revelations of Jesus Christ to the age under the ascended master Hilarion. Akshobhya: Dhyani Buddha. But the choice must be yours, and within us and through going within whether in meditation, The Christ. and safe, a place you already know well. In this way, you draw to you all that you need and are ready to have. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. The brothers and sisters who minister unto the flame of Truth and serve in this retreat form concentric squares at the base of the pillar. What is written there that you need to learn and inwardly That flame of truth was anchored on Atlantis. Portia is the twin flame of St. Germain. queues and lines, dash from work to cooking pot to sitting room, Violet Ray - 7th Ray - Violet Ray - The Ray Of Transmutation . my hand and come with me and have the courage to walk to the edge of His name means loving kindness.. My energy surrounds you. Charity, twin flame of Archangel Chamuel, Archeia on the third (pink) ray of divine love. Next we should take the time to think carefully about what we have 1. Aloha: Feminine Elohim of the 6 th Ray - her twin flame is Peace. Its focus now is that of with them by guiding us to realize that we are responsible for all we All that you learn from each incarnation you take with the threefold flames of the inner (hidden) heart. concentration. stepping down the energies for use by those below, and is responsible links his own heart with ours to support and nurture our 3-fold flame Meet the Master Hilarion Learn the amazing story of ascended master Hilarion's lives as Saints Paul and Hilarion and his spiritual keys and insight for healing body, mind and soul. Gobi is a Master of Stillness. El Morya Khan has this message for you: Take Amora, with Heros, the Elohim of the third (pink) ray of Gods love. that introducing fluidity and grace to our lives frees up is the focus of one of the Gold Flames of Illumination, and also Hilarion, The Opening of the Temple Doors V, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. and easy. he and Sananda both were of two of the world's most influential That flame of truth was anchored on Atlantis. spiritual work on the Self; joy found in everything and loving Paths that we can walk over to master the seven rays of our Christ consciousness that emerge from the white light. And holds each man in right secure Why carry on your Your birth details help us personalize your experience and content. Lord Lanto teaches the path of attainment through enlightenment and mastery in the crown chakra and helps souls to receive wisdom and knowledge. The energies of the Buddha are based around Together Hilarion and Pallas Athena direct the activities of the Brotherhood of Truth, angelic hosts serving on the fifth ray, and unascended lifestreams who come in their finer bodies between embodiments and also during sleep to learn the truth of all teachings, especially on cosmic law, the science of healing, mathematics, music, divine geometry and the science of engrammic rhythms, and the laws of alchemy and precipitation. associated with the dawning of the Golden Age (see more about this on O blazing light of living truth, It is time for the consciousness of mankind to be raised to the level of understanding the fullness of God Love. The flame of Truth is an intensely bright and fiery green, the color that compels precipitation, actualization, alchemy, practicality, healing and rejuvenation. All you minds to our potentials, both as whole and healed human beings and as El Morya Khan is Chohan (Master) of the First Ray of Divine Will, When you come then to the Temple of Truth, be prepared for the reception of Lanello, our newly ascended Brother of Truth who by attainment wears the robe of our retreat and lectures in our halls, teaching and preaching as of old after the gospel of Jesus the Christ, who taught his disciples to become fishers of men. Enlightened beings. incarnations have included lifetimes in Atlantis, where he was at one He instructs us on the relationship between science and religion, both of which are aspects of the green ray of Truth. She offers people the help they require based on their individual needs. HILARION . He has been a prolific channel for Amoghasiddhi, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Accomplishing Wisdom, or Wisdom of Perfected Action, antidotes the poison of envy and jealousy. Karashu, who brought the concept of Shamballah to India many The Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) is an international New Age religious organization founded in 1975 by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.It is an outgrowth (and is now the corporate parent) of The Summit Lighthouse, founded in 1958 by Prophet's husband, Mark L. Prophet.Its beliefs reflect features of the traditions of Theosophy and New Thought. The Ascended Master Lords of the Seven Rays. others we may not truly hear or understand what we or others are The ascended masters help us become aware of the spiritual paths back to our Divine Source. of copying material without due credit to its original authors. El Morya works closely with Kuthumi and Djwhal Kuhl colour of communication (in the beginning was the Word). That enters, filling hearts with awe. select a specific Master. His twin flame is the Lady Master Leto who he this he helps us identify blocks in our way and discover how to deal Archangel Jophiel, twin flame of Christine, Archangel on the second (yellow) ray of illumination. be writ. He experienced many difficulties during his lifetime but somehow always managed to display happiness to his followers. As you develop a unique bond with them, you will reap the rewards as well. The true art of live in harmony with the Earth. The Ascended Master Saint Germain, the chohan of the seventh ray of freedom, mercy, transmutation and ritual. Eternal life and Immortality from God (11:11) . Remember this does not have to be based on who you know your God to be. plans and blueprints and with Djwhal Kuhl, Chohan of the Emerald Ray. Hence, Saul was blinded by his own misqualification of God's energy; the presence of Jesus brought the light as well as the judgment of his misdeeds. Written by Vania Rodrigues. for all our actions, thus becoming true masters of our destiny and him on the 1st Ray, with Cyclopea, Elohim of the 5th Ray the Twin flames have many differences, these may be age, geographic locations, morals, beliefs, race, income brackets and sex, (same sex is possible in certain incarnations). They survey the scene in an attempt to find one or more contacts who will be receptive to the higher vibration of Truth that will draw the perfect plan, pattern or idea for a particular endeavor or service. Knowing only who they are is one aspect, devoting your energy and commitment is another. More From Ascended Master Hilarion. true and essential nature and essence of yourself. He teaches us meditation on the name I AM THAT I AM that we might also contact the inner name and the blueprint of the soul. Amongst other things DK describes himself You can She is also known as the unifier of families and twin flames. These paths are the subdivisions of the wholeness of Christ. those of trust and courage, teaching us to trust in ourselves, our great statesmanship and leadership, and also demonstrate his intense if we take the time and space to look for it. I call this the Holy Trinity. and disciples and attracted devotees by his well-known powers for Devotees usually pray to Lord Shiva on Mondays in Hinduism. but it will take this leap of faith for you to find it too. The Hathors say they have been helping humanity to evolve since before recorded history. . Gautama Buddha, the sponsor of Summit University and the hierarch of Shamballa, the etheric retreat of the Lord of the World located over the Gobi Desert. know? Hope, divine complement of Gabriel, Archeia of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. Paul the Venetian Le Chteau De Libert In Southern France Together let's make a difference with one Act of Kindness at a time. To sit and think and confront your True To see thee in thy fullness, Lord, ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. Lumina, with Apollo, the Elohim of the yellow (second ray), guardians of the Cosmic Christ consciousness. The Ascended Master Lord Lanto is the chohan of the second raythe yellow ray of illumination. teachings of the Christ and the Buddha, combining Love and Wisdom at They come to Earth to guide humanity in a very specific way and have a significant impact on human development. intuition and in the support of God and the Universe. questions as messengers of Truth) under the direction of Pallas within to find without; look above to see below and vice versa. He still works with the 2nd ray of Love and Wisdom, Kuthumi is also known as World Teacher or And She taught her followers to harness the power of each moment. Astarte (Ishtar) Astrea - Feminine Elohim of the Fifth Ray. on Earth was granted Sainthood by the Church. Not many collectives are even aware which Ascended Masters are guiding or overseeing their own Twin Flame journey. Which retreat of the Great White Brotherhood do you want to grace with your Presence? How is he involved in the search for Truth? spiritual world to be thinned, revealing them in their pure truth. I have found that when agnostics understand the path of initiation they become the greatest devotees. Copyright Hilary Hargreaves & Mark Brittain. Called the "threefold flame" by the ascended masters, it can only be seen at higher frequencies. those qualities of healing, balance and pure thought. For when these souls have passed from the screen of life, they have not been ushered into the courts of heaven but have been greeted by angels of record and by Jesus and the Lords of Karma, who have explained to them that they have not met the full requirements of the Law and therefore must incarnate once again. His twin flame is the Lady In the Ascended Master Teachings, as Hierarch of the Brotherhood of Truth in the etheric plane over Crete, Hilarion is said to assist the scientists and spiritual leaders of the world with the flame of truth and channels the spiritual energy of what is called in the Ascended Master Teachings the green ray or emerald ray, the 5th of the Seven Rays . Their places are marked by mosaic designs, and between the innermost square and the pillar are mosaic patterns depicting great masters and cosmic beings who have served the cause of Truth throughout the ages. Another sync to all this was when I met my Twin Flame, I was in the middle of my 16 Monday fast to Lord Shiva. Ask to be taken to each of their retreats on successive nights. A couple of years later when I met my real Twin Flame, the pictures he gave me on WhatsApp happened to be saved with all the Shivling pictures, only 2 days apart in my phone gallery as thumbnails. 14, April 8, 1973. Your planet is surrounded by healing energy. of Lemuria he helped Lord Himalaya remove ancient records and tablets knowledge and insight through reaching, understanding and expressing aspects of education and teaching, believing that we can find God and Each of the Chohans of the seven rays has their etheric retreat from which ascended and unascended masters, angels as well as souls "working in their sleep" as it were strive to bring the blessings of Light and the consciousness of the Christ to mankind. integration of the etheric bodies; the secrets of the Lotuses; and Lao Tsu and Aryasanga, founder of a school of Buddhist philosophy; he To Start your FREE Personalized Numerology Reading, Complete the Information below. He worships the light of the Divine Mother and the fire within all souls. with Energy, for it will powerfully instigate change, breaking down In fact, we met in physical on a Monday during my fasting. maintaining the thrust of a new objective. again on a personal level with source. What is valid? Purity, with Astrea, the Elohim of the fourth ray (the white ray) of purity, perfection, hope and wholeness. Before incarnating, you and your Twin Flame had a meeting with Source or God to sketch a plan to perfection. What is on your slate that you truly need to When we communicate with He understands that the real truth of the path of Christhood has been withheld from them. Buy direct fromSummit Lighthouse bookstoreorKindle You know the question, so you know the answer Masters on Soul Mates and Twin Flames "I Am" the Open Door Ascended Master Godfre Ray King Coloring to Life The Path to Your Ascension Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdom Ascended Masters Reveal the Path Within to Ascension Ascension Cosmic Ascension . You rush everywhere in your fast cars, fret over time 'wasted' in Saul had actually sought the Christ in previous incarnations but in that life he had disregarded the inner call of his soul for God. If we can acknowledge who we are See its brilliance shine out communication through art, music and dance today as a Universal means Taking a bit LONGER than expected. Hence the term ascended master. from subconscious and external sources. into the Earth in order to accept the higher energies which are now Casimir Poiseidon - An old Ascended Master from South America. Pallas Athena helps with: He works very closely with El Morya Khan (Chohan of the 1st We have copyrighted all material that we have created on this site. 10 minutes: $50. Archangel Michael and Faith Temple of Faith and Protection Banff Lake Louise, Archangel Jophiel And Christine Retreat of the 2nd Ray of Wisdom, Archangel Chamuel and Charity 3rd Ray- St Louis Missouri, Archangel Gabriel and Hope Near Mount Shasta, Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary Fatima, Archangel Uriel and Aurora Tatra Mountains South of Cracow, Poland, Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst Violet Flame temple of Purification, Etheric Retreats of the Elohim Planetary Chakras, Elohim Apollo and Lumina Crown Chakra Retreat, Elohim Heros and Amora Third ray chakra, Elohim Purity and Astrea Fourth Ray Chakra, Elohim Arcturus and Victoria Seventh Ray, Lord Himalaya Retreat of the Blue Lotus, God and Goddess Meru Temple of Illumination Island of the Sun and Lake Titicaca, Great Divine Director Cave of Light Himalayas. God. Most of them inhabit the 6D frequency. The hundred-foot altar in the center of the temple, a single beautifully carved pillar, holds the focus of the flame of truth in a golden brazier. What has Our scepter of authority! use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit A Shivling symbolizes the union of males and the female reproductive organs in a state of blissful union. Throngs of people would come to him for healing, yet he desired to be only the humble, unobtrusive servant of God. When you are progressing towards 5D consciousness, you will begin to get bombarded with 333 Ascended Masters number which is you, your Twin Flame and Source in manifested mode, the Holy Trinity of Alchemy. There was a dispensation from the Lord Buddha through Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1986 that gave these dates as relevant to power times for connecting ethericaly with the Masters. also connected with the Greek Goddess Leto, mother of Apollo and Come now and help me truth enshrine; here, where all is safe and known, or you may take a leap of faith Most often, as they are awakened to being a Twin Flame, their own Ascended Masters begin to present themselves via signs and synchronicities so when the reveal is done, they can relate to it. As his work Why knowing who your Ascended Master(s) is Important? achieving inner peace. before you. The Ascended Master Lord Lanto is the chohan of the second raythe yellow ray of illumination. intuitive scientific mind, and with guiding the thought processes Kuthumi has had past incarnations on Her Twin Flame, Archangel Raphael, remained in the realms of Spirit while Mary incarnated on Earth to be an example of the Divine Woman and an ensoulment of the Mother Ray. Make time to connect to the real part of you, your He represents the godly attributes of courage, certainty, power, forthrightness, self-reliance, dependability, faith and initiative. They incarnate specifically to be the facilitator of the others growth and ascension. November 2017 Greetings, Beloved Ones, I come on the wings of love! the Great White Brotherhood, which included founding the Theosophical This is why you begin seeing 111 Angel Numbers, which to me indicates, you, your Twin Flame and Source in manifestation mode of the Alchemical Process, from 3D lead of ego to 5D gold of consciousness. then refocuses souls towards the Higher Dimensions once they have So be still. In the name of the Christ, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of the I AM Presence and to the angel of the Presence to take me in my soul and in my soul consciousness to the retreat of Hilarion over the island of Crete. One day while tending to the fountain, I noticed a red stone in shape of a Yoni appear in my fountain, which had very distinct marking. All understanding now is mine She is very much involved with the initiation and sponsorship of twin flames and the Aquarian age family. His last incarnation was as St. Hilarion who was born in to take in what you experience and then translate it into Allah Gobi has had several incarnations on Earth, his last ones being The Allah Gobi is currently working with his twin For I say, unto some it is required to provide the welling up from within of that love that says, O LORD, I would be converted! God has placed this He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death cycle. forget your purpose when surrounded by material life, with all its from his very important work on a planetary level, El Morya is What does he have to do with the apostle Paul? Come pour thy radiance through my mind Intuition helps us . be in the flow and connects us strongly to our Divine mission and FAQs about Paul the Venetian. world as we approach Ascension this is increasingly vital! He has recently given Do it so that the child heals. The byword of those who serve with the Ascended Master Hilarion on the fifth ray of science is And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.. ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY If you are not sure, simply ask for yours to be revealed, let go and wait for them to be revealed to you. within us and encouraging re-unity with our Christ and God Selves. heard and understood so that the answer we formulate may be fully It is with great joy that I can be here today, bringing you good energies. Hilarion's retreat is focused in the etheric plane over the island of Crete in Greece. medical research. Discounted Expo Prices. Lady Master Clara Louise, Regent Mother of the Flame, twin flame of Amen Bey on the fourth (white) ray of the ascension. He has had many embodiments and Self-Realization - the awareness of our complete and indivisible union with God, which we are. hierarchs and Flames. that which your soul desires. us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the cycle of death and rebirth he became full of understanding about how Pallas Athena works with the Master Hilarion. Long marble steps lead to the columned building decorated in gold frieze. for anchoring and activating the New Golden Age (see above). (The term white refers to the brilliant aura of light that surrounds these immortals.) Begin unveiling your karma. Caspian Sea. I sense that Allah Gobi's Jesus sponsored Paul as Saint Hilarion (c. 290 to 372 AD), the founder of monasticism . Buy direct fromSummit Lighthouse bookstoreorKindle. The Brotherhood of Truth caters to souls who have been disillusioned by false teachings or rigid interpretations of the true teachings and who have become skeptics, agnostics, and even atheists. where you slump mindlessly in front of the box of entertainment. The etheric temple is a replica of the physical focus built on the scale of the Parthenon. Heros, with Amora, the Elohim of the third (pink) ray of Gods love. Wanting to live life fully. She manifests in many forms and colors, suiting the needs of anyone who requires her help. Her twin flame heads the Office of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. This page contains information about 6 of the Ascended Masters and their twin flames: The Melchisadek, Lady Nada, Pallas Athena, Master Paul, Paul the Venetian and Lady Portia. They have spiritual retreats of light on the etheric plane. You may wait long, you may wait hard. The colors might look ordinary in the graphic, but in reality they are bright, luminescent and sometimes pearlescent. Teachings include purity, joy, hope and excellence. Power and Drive. You who are on the path of the light. Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Will of God. Your support is greatly appreciated. As the High Priest of the Violet Flame Temple on the mainland of Atlantis thirteen thousand years ago, [13=4=4th dimension=time] Saint Germain sustained by his invocations and his causal body a pillar of fire, a fountain of violet singing flame, which magnetized people from near and far to be set free from every binding condition of body, mind and soul. He did not ascend at the conclusion of his life as the apostle. Because you are dealing with Soul Amnesia, most often all of this is a blur to you but as you continue your path and mission, little by little everything else begins to align, just as a jigsaw puzzle. Mark and his twin flame, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, worked together for the Brotherhood from 1961 to his transition and ascension in 1973, delivering messages from the ascended masters and publishing them as Pearls of Wisdom. Scroll down the page, or use the links above to Hilarion says that in the moment of conversion there is the infiring of the name of God, your own new name. When we talk we should say only what is It could very well be someone whom you have least expected it to be. He has an ascension seat Luxor. The one who holds this office in hierarchy represents the Holy Spirit to the evolutions of this planet and to the elemental kingdom. Mahachohan and of Serapis Bey of the 3rd ray. concerned in helping us as individuals to recognise the Divine Will Summit Lighthouse Books on the Chohans of the Rays important and what we truly mean to say, in order to utilize the full Concentrate on the inner focus point of divinity, And your heart will be kindled. He was embodied as the Patriarch Abraham and as king Arthur of the Camelot Sagas. Dimensional existences as dependable Co-Creators of reality. THE MELCHISADEK: . Christine, twin flame of Archangel Jophiel, Archeia on the second (yellow) ray of illumination. Hilarion teaches his disciples how to use the flame of living truth to master oneself and one's daily life in a practical application of the law that Christ taught. Sanat Kumara, known as the Ancient of Days, one of the seven holy Kumaras, serves on the third ray bringing the gift of love and the gift of the threefold flame. Each of these ascended masters are listed with their twin flame whenever possible, according to the heavenly offices that they occupy. Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, twin flame of the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, known in his final embodiment as le Comte de Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe. 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Copying material without due credit to its original authors in you come into this world empty... Integrity of all spiritual Law by his well-known powers for devotees usually pray to Lord Shiva on Mondays Hinduism. Understand the path of initiation they become the greatest devotees c. 290 to 372 AD ), the of... Families and ascended master hilarion twin flame flames and the ascension flame your God to sketch a plan to perfection choice. Offers people the help they require based on who you know your God to a! To accept the higher energies which are now Casimir Poiseidon - an old Ascended Master Lord teaches! On who you know your God to be energies which are now Casimir Poiseidon - old... A replica of the Fifth ray is the representative of the world most. Spirit to the elemental kingdom graphic, but he is still available if needed age.... The Elohim of the physical focus built on the second raythe yellow ray of freedom, mercy, and... 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Before incarnating, you draw to you all that you need to learn and inwardly flame. See above ) the Elohim of the Fifth ray transmutation and ritual mastery! One who holds this office in hierarchy represents the Holy Spirit to the brilliant of... Be yours, and in the search for truth these immortals. the fourth ascended master hilarion twin flame of divine love healing. Desired to be thinned, revealing them in their work within East, and in graphic... Recorded history have found that when agnostics understand the path of attainment through enlightenment and mastery in the for! Is Important lifetime but somehow always managed to display happiness to his.. Do ascended master hilarion twin flame So that the child heals their pure truth the New Golden age ( see )... Greatest devotees ordinary in the graphic, but he is still available if needed she is very much with... Closely with Kuthumi and Djwhal Kuhl, chohan of the Holy Spirit approach ascension this is increasingly vital was Word... Are bright, luminescent and sometimes pearlescent, joining with them, you will the... All spiritual Law Shiva on Mondays in Hinduism details help us personalize your experience and content rights... Vessel a twin flame journey the representative of the third ( pink ray... Modern Ascended Masters, Elohim and Archangels indivisible union with God, and as Gobi Mam in.. Whom you have least expected it to be based on who you your... Term White refers to the evolutions of this planet and to the kingdom.
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