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300C SRT-8 6.1L HEMI BLK ON BLK XENON SUNROOF PARKTRONIC 6-DISC CHANGR Year2006MakeChryslerModel300VIN2C3KA73W26H428966Mileage118260TransmissionAutomaticEngine8 Cylinder, 6.1 LExterior ColorBlackInterior ColorBlackTitleClear3-Point Rear Seat Belts4-Wheel Disc BrakesAM/FM StereoAir BagAir conditioningAlloy WheelsAnti-lock brakesAutomatic TransmissionCD CHANGERCD playerCalifornia Emissions Compliant Cassette playerChild-Proof Door LocksClockCruise controlCup HoldersDriver airbagHead Protection System (Airbags)Heated SeatsHomeLinkKeyless EntryLeather Steering WheelLeather UpholsteryLeather seatsMemory Seat(s)MoonroofParktronicPassenger airbagPower BrakesPower MirrorsPower SteeringPower locksPower seatsPower windowsRear Air ConditioningRear DefrosterSteering Wheel ControlsSunroofThird Brake LightTinted GlassTrip OdometerXenon LightsRARE 2006 CHRYSLER 300C SRT-8 HOMELINK PARKTRONIC 6.1 HEMI ENGINE FACTORY SIX DISK CD CHANGER DUAL HEATED SEATS POWER SUNROOF FACTORY PREMIUM 20 INCH SRT POLISHED CHROME WHEELS PRICED TO SELL QUICK VERY NICE!!! Email me price drops and new listings for these results. $89/mo Track Price Check Availability Hot Car 2006 Chrysler 300 Touring 61,633 Miles Elmwood Park, NJ $4,900 est. This 2006 Chrysler 300 C SRT-8 is a vehicle which offers an easy to use owning experience coupled with one of the most spacious interiors in its segment. Carfax Highlights No Airbag Deployment Reported to CARFAXVehicle Qualifies for the CARFAX Buyback GuaranteeNo Structural/Frame Damage Reported to CARFAXNo Indication of an Odometer Rollback2 OwnersNo Total Loss Reported to CARFAX Photos Description 2006 Chrysler 300 C SRT8 NAVIGATION DVD ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM LOADED!!! If in Texas there will be 6.25% sales tax plus a license and title fee. Period, not towards fancy coffee bars or excessive architecture and decor or the expensive uptown address or incredibly high overhead due to expensive frills that dont go with your car when you drive it home. With the largest selection of cars from dealers and private sellers, Autotrader can help find the perfect 300 for you. Web1968 Chrysler 300 Classic Cars for Sale near Baird, Texas Find new and used 1968 Chrysler 300 Classics for sale by classic car dealers and private sellers near you. There will be mandatory inventory tax fee (.002104 X Sales Price) and $195 doc. Purchased in November 2013. This car is also equipped with a built in CALIBRE K40 Radar Detector! PLEASE ONLY BID WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO PAY. It is the responsibility of the buyer to have thoroughly inspected the vehicle, and to have satisfied himself or herself as to the condition and value and to bid based upon that judgement solely. The seller does not assume or authorize any other person(s) or corporation to assume said expense on its behalf.By purchasing this vehicle from RBP AUTOMOTIVE the parties of this transaction agree that all legal proceedings regarding or in any way related to this transaction shall only be filed in Houston, Harris County, Texas and no place else.By purchasing this vehicle from RBP AUTOMOTIVE the buyer acknowledges that the seller (RBP AUTOMOTIVE INC) has made no representations or warranties in connection with this transaction which is "as is". Some vehicles may have had prior touch up to cover excessive micro chips or scratches, but all our work is done by professionals. All vehicles are sold as-is unless otherwise specified. At Nxcess Motorcars we carry the best hand picked selection of luxury and performance brands at significant savings. I have done my best to accurately describe this vehicle. It is the responsibility of the buyer to have thoroughly inspected the vehicle, and to have satisfied himself or herself as to the condition and value and to bid based upon that judgement solely. That way we dont have any problems after the car is sold and it costs us (and you) less money. This 2006 Chrysler 300 C SRT-8 is the perfect commuter vehicle for someone who doesn't want to sacrifice space and comfort. Chrysler : 300 Series C SRT8 NAVIGATION DVD ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM LOADED!!! Research, compare, and save listings, or contact sellers directly from 8 2010 300C models in Houston, TX. and TrueCar, Inc. All rights reserved. You need to verify with the original manufacturer whether they are still honoring the warranty. WebShop Chrysler 300 vehicles for sale. If you have any more questions please feel free to contact us at [emailprotected] OR 832-640-7090!This vehicle is being sold as is, where is with no warranty, expressed written or implied. We have 38 of the hardest working, best qualified, and eager to please salesmen, office staff, mechanics, and detail men anywhere in Houston. $651/mo. All sales are subject to a $125.00 Adminstration fee With No Exceptions. WebPopular Chrysler 300 Trims. Fusion Autoplex is always willing to allow a pre-buy inspection of all units listed at the customer's time and expense. Condition History data is provided by Experian AutoCheck. WebChrysler : 300 Series SRT8 2012 chrysler 300 srt 8 $36,900 South Easton, Massachusetts Year 2012 Make Chrysler Model 300 Series Category - Mileage 16960 Posted Over 1 Month 2012 Chrysler 300 SRT8 16k miles Vehicle was purchased as a left over, hasn't even been on the road 2 years. Name Email Phone Question(s) Optional Equipment PWR SUNROOF[GWA]Cost: $950.00Details:Sun/Moon RoofSun/Moonroof5-SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION[DGJ]Details:Transmission w/Dual Shift Mode5-Speed A/TA/T 6.1L SRT HEMI SMPI V8 ENGINE (STD)[ESF]Details:8 Cylinder EngineGasoline FuelLEATHER-TRIMMED FRONT BUCKET SEATS[DZ__]Details:Leather SeatsBucket Seats SRT OPTION GROUP II[AY2]Cost: $1965.00Details:Navigation SystemAM/FM StereoCD PlayerCD ChangerSatellite RadioBluetooth Connection Standard Equipment EPA FUEL ECONOMY RATINGS City 14/hwy 20 (6.1L engine/5-speed auto trans) EXTERIOR Black windshield moldings Body-color door handles Front license plate bracket Solar control glass Day light opening molding Automatic high-intensity discharge headlamps w/washers Chrome headlamp bezels Pwr fold-away multi-function body-color exterior mirrors-inc: driver-side auto-dimming, memory Fog lamps Rear trunklid spoiler Body-color fascias Narrow body-color body-side molding w/bright insert Rain-sensing windshield wipers SRT8 badging INTERIOR Smokers group-inc: cigar lighter, front ash tray Pwr trunklid release Leather-wrapped pwr tilt/telescopic steering wheel w/audio controls Leather-wrapped shift knob Sentry Key theft deterrent system Lighting-inc: front door courtesy, glove box, trunk, front reading/map, rear reading/courtesy Pwr adjustable pedals w/memory Pwr windows w/front one-touch up/down feature Rear window defroster Sirius satellite radio w/(1) year subscription Electroluminescent instrumentation-inc: display screen, 180-mph speedometer AM/FM stereo w/cassette/6-disc CD/MP3 player-inc: (6) Boston Acoustics speakers, 276-watt amplifier, memory Speed sensitive pwr door locks Cargo net Vehicle information center Integrated rear window antenna Rear armrest w/cupholder Remote keyless entry Analog clock Traveler/mini trip computer Illuminated entry Cell phone storage Full length floor console w/pwr outlet Passenger assist handles Automatic air conditioning w/dual zone control Cargo compartment dress-up Dual visors w/illuminated vanity mirrors Front/rear climate control outlets Leather-trimmed heated pwr front bucket seats-inc: preferred suede inserts, driver-side memory, lumbar adjust Front door sill scuff pads Auto-dimming rearview mirror Satin silver lock knobs Tire pressure monitoring display Universal garage door opener 60/40 split-folding rear seat Security alarm Front/rear floor mats Parksense rear back-up system Gauges-inc: temp, compass Cruise control Passenger seat belt alert MECHANICAL High speed engine controller Rear wheel drive 20" x 9.0" aluminum SRT design wheels Brake assist Tire service kit Bright dual exhaust tips 19.0 gallon fuel tank Brake/park interlock 6.1L SRT Hemi SMPI V8 engine 5-speed automatic transmission w/Autostick Electronic stability program 3.06 axle ratio Front P245/45ZR20 & rear P255/45ZR20 performance tires Lock-up torque converter 730 CCA maintenance-free battery w/pwr accessory delay Severe duty II engine cooling High performance suspension Performance tuned steering 160-amp alternator SAFETY Dual note horn 3-point seat belts for all seating positions-inc: front height adjustable shoulder belts All-speed traction control 4-wheel anti-lock performance disc brakes Rear door child protection locks Advanced multistage front air bags w/occupant classification system Inside emergency trunk lid release Child seat belt upper tether anchors Secure Online Credit Application Applying for a vehicle loan online is one of the quickest and easiest application methods. 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Ralph Capone Jr,
Articles C