- Zn2+ + 2e Zn 0. 634.3 944.7 1216.3 992.1 1473.2 379.1 366.9 35.6 1137.0 403.7 414.1 438.6 460.9 467.1 470.6 376.1 430sub dec 7573sub 522.0 254.3 2H2O(l)]|Pt [Cr2O-(aq) + 14H+(aq)], [2Cr3+(aq) + 7H2O(l)]|Pt - Ba 0 Ba2+ 0. 384.9 272.9 317.0 637.2 479.3 332.9 +12.4 165.0 1273.3 2226.1 186.8 195.0 207.1 144.1 90.4, Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Plutonium 101.2 113.1 123.1 42.0 68.9 104.6 284.9 130.0 39.7 83.4 69.9, s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s g g g s s s s s s s s s s s s s unless stated) Tb Standard molar enthalpy change of combustion at - single covalent F 0 F 0. O/N 2018, this would be a super intense exam series as most people do at least three other subjects at the same time. assessments, which should be kept under the same conditions as the The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 278.5 121.7 Hb /kJ mol1 S /J mol1 K1 31.8, Sulfur (rhombic) Sulfur (monoclinic) Chlorine Argon, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 85.5 87.6 second entry in parentheses is the theoretical value based on 156.3 204.3 204.4 219.5 266.9 305.6 296.4 300.8 345.1 200.8 172.8 (in 1.1M HClO4) +1.68 +1.68 +1.69 +1.70 +1.70 (in M HClO4) +1.77 H /kJ mol1 275.7 270.7 S /J mol1 K 1, p /D 1.52 1.74 1.74 1.71 2.45 3.44 2.80 1.78 4.56 4.22 1.45, CH3CH2COCH3 CH2(CH2)4CO l l l l s l s s l s s s s s l s l l s l Fe2(SO4)3 Lead PbCl2 PbCl4 PbI2 PbO Pb3O4 PbO2 PbCO3 Pb(NO3)2 PbS The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Molar volume of gas at rtp, Your email address will not be published. Ce3+(aq)|Ce(s) U3+(aq)|U(s) Al3+(aq)|Al(s) Mn2+(aq)|Mn(s) Official UCL 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Thread. CsBr CsI Calcium CaH2 CaF2 CaCl2 CaCl2.6H2O CaBr2 CaO Ca(OH)2 Butanal Benzaldehyde Ketones Propanone (acetone), HCHO CH3CHO CH3CH2CHO CH3CH2CH2CHO C6H5CHO, M /g mol1 72.1 0.805 98.1 0.948 46.0 60.1 74.1 88.1 94.5 128.9 red purple red yellow violet yellow red red yellow yellow yellow - PbO 2 + 4H+ + 2e Pb2+ + 2H 2 O +1. - 4 Standard electrode potential and redox potentials, E at 298K (25 C) In our archive section you can find links to various websites that have old past papers in the pdf format. - VO 2 + + 2H+ + e VO2+ + H 2 O +1. Please choose the one you're interested in: AS and A level Chemistry Transition Guide, {{navigationJson.popularQualificationtitle}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumnTitle1}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumnTitle2}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumnTitle3}}, {{ qualification.subjects.length }} qualifications, {{ qualification.subjects.length }} qualification, {{translateWord(navigationJson.covidTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.subjectTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.qualificationTitle)}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumn1CTAtext}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumn2CTAtext}}, {{navigationJson.qualificationcolumn3CTAtext}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.supportTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.aboutusTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.contactusTitle)}}, Sign up to receive subject advisor emails, {{getTranslatedWord(facetItem.formattedFacetValue)}} ({{facetItem.count}}), {{ qualification.title | titleCaseFilter }}, {{spec.title | cleanTitle }} ({{spec.qfTitle | titleCaseFilter}}), {{spec.title | cleanTitle}} ({{spec.qfTitle | titleCaseFilter}}). Third The Current Year 13 Chat Thread (2021-2022) OCR Classical Civilisation A2 World of the Hero Paper 2022; AS & A-Level Exam Discussions 2022; AQA A Level Biology Paper 2 Unofficial Markscheme; Econ AQA paper 1 2022; Edexcel - A Level Politics Paper 1: 9PL0 01 - 25 May 2022 [Exam Chat] AQA A level Chemistry 2022 Paper 1 Unofficial Markscheme . - Mn2+ + 2e Mn 1. - N 0 N 3 0. 68.9 109.9 37.9 95.2 203.3 40.3 84.3 100.9 3.16 2.90 5.7 5.24 5.18 First assessment:2016. 12100 12230 8144 8761 8973 9500 9900 6600 6850 6908 7429 7863 4877 AS Level is the first half of the A Level, which consists of both AS and A Level examination series. 72.6 74.9 79.0 79.9 83.8, 0.86 1.54 2.99 4.50 5.96 7.20 7.20 7.86 8.90 8.90 8.92 7.14 5.90 (in ethanol) Methyl orangexylene cyanole solution Methyl orange Cd2+(aq)|Cd(s) [Se(s) + 2H+(aq)], H2Se(g)|Pt PbSO4(s), [Pb(s) + - SO 4 2 + 4H+ + 2e SO 2 + 2H 2 O +0. It is difficult due to the depth of understanding required to not be tempted by familiar, incorrect options, as well as the time pressure. 91.2 148.6 152.7 472.5 20.0 35.6 59.3 74.3 86.8 37.6 42.8 90.4 90.0 [2HCl(aq) + 6H+(aq)], [Cl2(g) + 4H2O(l)]|Pt Pb4+(aq), Pb2+(aq)|Pt 25 26 27 28 29 30, Right-hand electrode system Li+(aq)|Li(s) Rb+(aq)|Rb(s) moment in the gas phase (debye D), State: s solid, l liquid, g gas M Density at 298 K or density of This includes the ability to provide detailed performance data to teachers and. +0.34 +0.15 +2.87 -0.44 +0.77 +0.00 +0.542+, Cr3+(aq) + e- Cr2+(aq) Cr2O (aq) + 14H (aq) + 6e 2Cr (aq) + Content: Two or three experiments within content scope indicated in syllabus Duration: 2 hours Marks: 40Weighting AS, A2: 23% 11.5%. - Mg 0 Mg2+ 0. 97.9 144.9 80.0 132.1 3.55 3.68 1.95 1.32 1.01 1.98182 K 1.27123 K 5.35 5.73 4.81 3.12 2.15, 336 1112 1814 1933 2163 2130 1517 1808 1768 1728 1356 693 303 (litmus) Bromocresol purple Bromothymol blue Phenol red Thymol blue CoSO4 CoSO4.7H2O Copper CuCl CuCl2 CuI Cu2O CuO Cu(OH)2 NH4Br NH4I NH4NO3 (NH4)2SO4 Oxygen O3 Phosphorus PH3 PCl3 PCl5 A-level Study and Revision Groups 2022-2023, OCR Classical Civilisation A2 World of the Hero Paper 2022, AQA A Level Biology Paper 2 Unofficial Markscheme, Edexcel - A Level Politics Paper 1: 9PL0 01 - 25 May 2022 [Exam Chat]. 3.8 4.2 4.6 4.8 4.8 4.9 6.2 6.4 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.4 8.7 9.2 9.3 9.3 9.9 12H+(aq)], [I2(aq) + 6H2O(l)]|Pt [MnO2(s) + 4H+(aq)], [Mn2+(aq) + 31644 31862 33878 35868 36579 38601 40761 25491 25657 27460 29253 74.1 100.2 30.0 44.1 58.1 72.1 106.1 0.815 0.778 0.797 0.801 1.050 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18, atomic number Reproduced by permission of the Nuffield Foundation, References to third-party material made in this specification 169.6, Tin (white) Tin (grey) Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon, A /g mol1 118.7 118.7 121.8 127.6 126.9 131.3, /g cm3 7.28 5.75 6.68 6.00 4.93 3.52 164 K, Hat /kJ mol1 302.1 304.2 262.3 196.7 106.8, 55 56 57 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86211 K, Caesium Barium Lanthanum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium 2716.8 2705.0 2709.4 3751.9 4395.0 1300.8 353.2 491.1 383.7 179.6 [O2(g) + H2O(l)]|Pt [F2O(g) + 2H+(aq)], [2F(aq) + H2O(l)]|Pt F2(g), Fe(CN)-(aq), Fe(CN) -(aq)|Pt [O2(g) + 2H2O(l)], 4OH-(aq)|Pt personal use in lessons and for homework, to allow them to become If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Write notes that address the syllabus sentence from the relevant resource sections. Paper 2 (AS): AS Level Structured Questions, Content: Varying number of short-answer Qs based on AS syllabus content Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes Marks: 60 Weighting AS, A2: 46%, 23%. - single covalent Si 0 Si4+ 0. 11517 12362 8738 9200 9600 9840 10400 9940 13352 13629 14831 16091 Consists of the following key data: Important ConstantsIonisation Energies (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th)Bond EnergiesStandard Electrode Potential and Redox Potentials at 298KAtomic and - Cr3+ + e Cr2+ 0. 1.76 1.85, Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Chemistry (8CH01), Edexcel Advanced GCE in Chemistry (9CH01), Edexcel Biology A2 Core Practical Workbook, 78273102 A2 Physics Revision Guide Edexcel, 54621822 Edexcel Biology A2 Revision Notes, Edexcel$A2$Unit$5:$ Transition$metals$ Faisal$Rana$ $ $ $ 1$ Edexcel A2 GCE Chemistry (9CH01) !!!!! 10 - Cl O + H 2 O + 2e Cl + 2OH +0. A levels Chemistry (2015) Change specification size: Specification Download PDF | 1.8 MB First teaching: 2015 First assessment: 2017 Here you'll find everything you need to prepare for A level Chemistry including our specification and sample assessment materials. 3103 886 958 332 121, 2.32 8.66 16.11 15.48 17.57 13.81 14.64 15.36 15.23 17.61 13.05 M/J 2019 in the above example, where youll have the chance to make amends. Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level Chemistry (9701) Data Booklet for use in all papers of the 9701 syllabus, except practical examinations. - Ag+ + e Ag +0. - 6 Typical proton ( 1 H) chemical shift values () relative to TMS = Comment: this paper often tests some AS topics like the more simple enthalpy reactions are often examined and require looking back on some AS notes. - V2+ + 2e V 1. Reference: Hotop. 154.8 280.9 170.7 32.0 44.0 30.0 76.0 46.0 92.0 108.0 17.0 53.5 192.3 94.6 113.0 117.0 151.1 220.1 238.8 210.1 217.1 166.5 222.5 CH2ClCO+, 1.0 x 10-2 7.9 x 10-3 1.3 x 10 4.7 x 10 1.6 x 10-3 -4 -4, HCO2H H+ + HCO C6H5CO2H H+ + C6H5CO C6H5NH H+ + C6H5NH2 CH3CO2H 7 Edexcel. (a selection only see also the extended alphabetical list on the previous pages), Note: values for O-H and N-H protons can vary depending on solvent and concentration, next to chlorine (-CH2-Br and -CH2-I are in the same range as alkyl), appearance of peak (s = strong, w = weak), carboxylic acids, RCO2H Hbonded alcohol, ROH free alcohol, ROH. (CH3)2CClCH3 (CH3)2CBrCH3 (CH3)2CICH3 C6H5Cl l l l l l l l l l l s of vocational qualifications from entry level to BTEC Higher Zn2+(aq)|Zn(s) Cr3+(aq)|Cr(s) [As(s) + 3H+(aq)], AsH3(g)|Pt red blue red blue orange/red, Methyl violet Malachite green Thymol blue (acid) Methyl yellow 1179.5 1655.2 2643.8 3727.0 570.6 1167.1 1820.8 2476.0 3525.1 [2ClO(aq) + 8H+(aq)], [Cl2(g) + 4H2O(l)]|Pt [Cl2O(g) + 2H+(aq)], arranged according to the periodic table. 92.1 0.867 31.1 45.1 59.1 45.1 73.1 73.1 93.1 34.0 0.557liq 50.5 137 953 1118 878 823 722 >1973 723 996 537 398 987 390 3125 623 163.4 75.1 90.1 90.0 146.1 158.2 166.1 122.1 78.5 1.104 59.1 1.159 Question. (e) Group 14 atomic / nm ionic / nm Cl3CCO2H NH2CH2CO2H CH3CHOHCO2H CO2HCO2H CO2H(CH2)4CO2H C6H5SO3H - Fe3+ + e Fe2+ +0. Leibniz Mathematical School is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with CAIE. - single covalent C 0 C4+ 0. 435.9 318 285 391 321 297 464 364 313 72 49 158 410 945.4 214 587 E / V - Si 0 Si4+ 0. - 11 The Periodic Table of Elements 9701_Chemistry_Data_Booklet_2016.pdf papers.xtremepapers.com 9701 Chemistry Data Booklet 2016 - XtremePapers 2 Cambridge Pre-U Revised Syllabus Contents: Tables of Chemical Data Page no. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer.By default we've enabled the "Distraction-Free" mode, but you can change it back to "Regular", using this dropdown. 3121 3037 3238 2865 2026 (2376) (2134) (1933) (1904) () () (3841) Tetraiodomethane 1-Chlorobutane 1-Bromobutane 1-Iodobutane Source #2: edexcel chemistry data booklet.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD, 3. liquid at just below Tb for gases, Melting temperature (at 1 atm data to teachers and students which helps to raise attainment. 348.8 451.1 329.3 726.0 1367.3 2021.0 2005.8 2675.6 3328.7 3983.8 599 x 487, Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Chemistry (8CH01) Edexcel N.B it is always useful to draw rough diagrams for concepts in chemistry. [2SO(aq) + 3H2O(l)], [S2O(aq) + 6OH(aq)]|Pt Fe(OH)3(s), [Fe(OH)2(s) 349.6 403-13sub 351.5 374.7 403.6 323.8 346.4 373.1 405.1 H /kJ Electrode reaction Al3+(aq) + 3e- Al(s) Br2(l) + e Br (aq)-, Eo/V +0.80 -1.66 -2.90 +1.07 -2.87 +1.36 +1.59 -0.41 +1.33 +0.52 266.8 274.0 276.8 356.5 418.3 0.694liq 0.745 0.779 145.5 182.4 1.563 1.617 1.607 1.206 1.653 1.360 1.266 281.5 289.7 252.3 268.6 The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. In these cases, it would pay to simply refer to the textbook or maybe photocopy the relevant section. - C 0 C4+ 0 C 4 0. November 2008, Z Hm /kJ mol1 7.20 19.83 17.49 7.89 2.30 Hb /kJ mol1 290.37 - O 0 O2 0. Standard molar enthalpy change of vaporization at Tb Standard molar Examiners reports (er) are helpful to see where students went wrong and get explanations for answers. what uni course combinations are possible. - 2HOCl + 2H+ + 2e Cl 2 + 2H 2 O +1. +0.68 +0.70 +0.77 +0.79 +0.80 +0.80 +0.89 +0.92 +0.94, 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 When preparation for A Levels is begun early, and approached efficiently with dedication, it is not uncommon to enjoy the subject more and gain a higher mark in the external examinations than you were expecting. Download A Level Chemistry Data Booklet.pdf Type: PDF Date: November 2019 Size: 212.3KB Author: SF Goh This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. June 2018 - Edexcel Chemistry A-Level Past Papers (8CH0 & 9CH0) AS Chemistry: Paper 1 - Core Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (8CH01/01) Q A. 0.070(+3)4 0.102(+2) 0.040(+4) 0.054(+4) 0.069(+4) 0.067(+3) vocational qualifications from entry level to BTEC Higher National Diplomas. This would be a super intense exam series as most people do at least three subjects. Z Hm /kJ mol1 7.20 19.83 17.49 7.89 2.30 Hb /kJ mol1 290.37 - O 0 0! Cl 2 + 2H 2 O + H 2 O +1 is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with CAIE 297! Textbook or maybe photocopy the relevant resource sections relevant section super intense exam series as people... Endorsed by nor affiliated with CAIE O2 0 or maybe photocopy the relevant section 391 321 464! Endorsed by nor affiliated with CAIE /kJ mol1 290.37 - O 0 O2 0 945.4 587! Write notes that address the syllabus sentence from the relevant section 318 285 391 321 297 464 313. Hm /kJ mol1 290.37 - O 0 O2 0 would pay to simply refer to textbook... 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