Browsing the codebase, it is easy to understand how any source file fits into the big picture of the repository. Since a monorepo requires more tools and processes to work well in the long run, bigger teams are better suited to implement and maintain them. The monolithic codebase captures all dependency information. We later examine this and similar trade-offs more closely. In Companion to the 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (Portland, OR, Oct. 22-26). see in each individual package or code where the code is expected to be but overall they conform to The Linux kernel is a prominent example of a large open source software repository containing approximately 15 million lines of code in 40,000 files.14, Google's codebase is shared by more than 25,000 Google software developers from dozens of offices in countries around the world. complexity of the projects grow, however, you may encounter practical issues on a daily Our strategy for Gabriel, R.P., Northrop, L., Schmidt, D.C., and Sullivan, K. Ultra-large-scale systems. Reducing cognitive load is important, but there are many ways to achieve this. Learn how to build enterprise-scale Angular applications which are maintainable in the long run. Accessed Jan. 20, 2015; On a typical workday, they commit 16,000 changes to the codebase, and another 24,000 changes are committed by automated systems. Spanner: Google's globally distributed database. The Google codebase includes a wealth of useful libraries, and the monolithic repository leads to extensive code sharing and reuse. The design and architecture of these systems were both heavily influenced by the trunk-based development paradigm employed at Google, as described here. The Git community strongly suggests and prefers developers have more and smaller repositories. 10. The clearest example of this are the game engines, which A snapshot of the workspace can be shared with other developers for review. Beyond the investment in building and maintaining scalable tooling, Google must also cover the cost of running these systems, some of which are very computationally intensive. Clipper is useful in guiding dependency-refactoring efforts by finding targets that are relatively easy to remove or break up. It is now read-only. many false build failures), and developers may start noticing room for improvement in Using the data generated by performance and regression tests run on nightly builds of the entire Google codebase, the Compiler team tunes default compiler settings to be optimal. NOTE: This is not a working system as it is published here. There are a number of potential advantages but at the highest level: An area of the repository is reserved for storing open source code (developed at Google or externally). The alternative of moving to Git or any other DVCS that would require repository splitting is not compelling for Google. Since we wanted to support one single build system regardless of the target and support all the If a change creates widespread build breakage, a system is in place to automatically undo the change. We do our best to represent each tool objectively, and we welcome pull requests if we got In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Sept. 22-28). Im generally not convinced by the arguments provided in favour of the mono-repo. With this approach, a large backward-compatible change is made first. Early Google employees decided to work with a shared codebase managed through a centralized source control system. For instance, developers can mark some projects as private to their team so no one else can depend on them. Likewise, if a repository contains a massive application without division and encapsulation of discrete parts, it's just a big repo. 11. Here are some implementation examples with big codebases at Microsoft, Google, or Facebook. This section outlines and expands upon both the advantages of a monolithic codebase and the costs related to maintaining such a model at scale. IEEE Press, 2013, 548551. The monolithic repository provides the team with full visibility of how various languages are used at Google and allows them to do codebase-wide cleanups to prevent changes from breaking builds or creating issues for developers. Each and every directory has a set of owners who control whether a change to files in their directory will be accepted. Owners are typically the developers who work on the projects in the directories in question. Google repository statistics, January 2015. Wikipedia. The Digital Library is published by the Association for Computing Machinery. WebThe Google app keeps you in the know about things that matter to you. Engineers never need to "fork" the development of a shared library or merge across repositories to update copied versions of code. All the listed tools can do it in about the same way, except Lerna, which is more limited. The availability of all source code in a single repository, or at least on a centralized server, makes it easier for the maintainers of core libraries to perform testing and performance benchmarking for high-impact changes before they are committed. The WORKSPACE and the MONOREPO file No effort goes toward writing or keeping documentation up to date, but developers sometimes read more than the API code and end up relying on underlying implementation details. Much of Google's internal suite of developer tools, including the automated test infrastructure and highly scalable build infrastructure, are critical for supporting the size of the monolithic codebase. Google's tooling for repository merges attributes all historical changes being merged to their original authors, hence the corresponding bump in the graph in Figure 2. This article outlines the scale of that codebase and details Google's custom-built monolithic source repository and the reasons the model was chosen. d. Over 99% of files stored in Piper are visible to all full-time Google engineers. the strategy. Read more about this and other misconceptions in the article on Misconceptions about Monorepos: Monorepo != Monolith. To prevent dependency conflicts, as outlined earlier, it is important that only one version of an open source project be available at any given time. With the requirements in mind, we decided to base the build system for SG&E on Bazel. requirements for our infrastructure: Windows based: game developers, especially non-programmers, heavily rely on windows based tooling, Piper (custom system hosting monolithic repo) CitC (UI ?) fit_screen Simply Advantages. If one team wants to depend on another team's code, it can depend on it directly. ), Rachel then mentions that developers work in their own workspaces (I would assume this a local copy of the files, a Perforce lingo.). Code reviewers comment on aspects of code quality, including design, functionality, complexity, testing, naming, comment quality, and code style, as documented by the various language-specific Google style guides.e Google has written a code-review tool called Critique that allows the reviewer to view the evolution of the code and comment on any line of the change. Let's define what we and others typically mean when we talk about Monorepos. But you're not alone in this journey. In fact, such a repo is prohibitively monolithic, which is often the first thing that comes to mind when people think of monorepos. How Google manages open source. Several best practices and supporting systems are required to avoid constant breakage in the trunk-based development model, where thousands of engineers commit thousands of changes to the repository on a daily basis. Learn more. Current investment by the Google source team focuses primarily on the ongoing reliability, scalability, and security of the in-house source systems. Meanwhile, the number of Google software developers has steadily increased, and the size of the Google codebase has grown exponentially (see Figure 1). Such reorganization would necessitate cultural and workflow changes for Google's developers. Keep in mind that there are some caveats, that Bazel and our vendored monorepo took care for use: Some targets (like the p4lib) use cgo to link against C++ libraries. Having the compiler-reject patterns that proved problematic in the past is a significant boost to Google's overall code health. Due to the ease of creating dependencies, it is common for teams to not think about their dependency graph, making code cleanup more error-prone. ACM Sigact News 32, 4 (Nov. 2001), 1825. Because all projects are centrally stored, teams of specialists can do this work for the entire company, rather than require many individuals to develop their own tools, techniques, or expertise. It also has heavy assumptions of running in a Perforce depot. I would however argue that many of the stated benefits of the mono-repo above are simply not limited to mono repos and would work perfectly fine in a much more natural multiple repos. The Jan. 17, 2023 1:06 p.m. PT. What are the situations solved by monorepos. A Google tool called Rosief supports the first phase of such large-scale cleanups and code changes. Several key setup pieces, like the Bazel Team boundaries are fluid. Google, is theorized to have the largest monorepo which handles tens of thousands of contributions per day with over 80 terabytes in size. Most of the infrastructure was written in Go, using protobuf for configuration. Most of the repository is visible to all Piper users;d however, important configuration files or files including business-critical algorithms can be more tightly controlled. the source of each Go package what libraries they are. The Google proprietary system that was built to store, version, and vend this codebase is code-named Piper. Part of the Rush Stack family of projects., The high-performance build system for JavaScript & TypeScript codebases.. WebGoogle uses the single monorepo for 95% of its single source of truth codebase, leaving Google Chrome and Android on specific ones. A lot of successful organizations such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft -as well as large open source projects such as Babel, Jest, and React- are all using the monorepo approach to software development. 12. In the Piper workflow (see Figure 4), developers create a local copy of files in the repository before changing them. The five key findings from the article are as follows (from b. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. to use Codespaces. The ability to distribute a command across many machines, while largely preserving the dev ergonomics of running it on a single machine. be installed into third_party/p4api. enable streamlined trunk-based development workflows, and advantages and alternatives of Trunk-based development. Rachel will go into some details about that. Thanks to our partners for supporting us! Piper supports file-level access control lists. Monorepo enables the true CI/CD, and here is how. The Google monorepo has been blogged about, talked about at conferences, and written up in Communications of the ACM . Note the diamond-dependency problem can exist at the source/API level, as described here, as well as between binaries.12 At Google, the binary problem is avoided through use of static linking. Each day the repository serves billions of file read requests, with approximately 800,000 queries per second during peak traffic and an average of approximately 500,000 queries per second each workday. Determine what might be affected by a change, to run only build/test affected projects. 2. Before reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of working with a monolithic repository, some background on Google's tooling and workflows is needed. The program that was run on CI machines is Unnecessary dependencies can increase project exposure to downstream build breakages, lead to binary size bloating, and create additional work in building and testing. These computationally intensive checks are triggered periodically, as well as when a code change is sent for review. As your workspace grows, the tools have to help you keep it fast, understandable and manageable. drives the Unreal build and an unity_builder that drives the Unity builds. Google workflow. A change often receives a detailed code review from one developer, evaluating the quality of the change, and a commit approval from an owner, evaluating the appropriateness of the change to their area of the codebase. ), 4. atomic changes [This is indeed made easier by a mono-repo, but good architecture should allow for components to be refactored without breaking the entire code base everywhere. sgeb is a Bazel-like system in terms of its interface (BUILDUNIT files vs BUILD files that Bazel infrastructures to streamline the development workflow and activities such as code review, The combination of trunk-based development with a central repository defines the monolithic codebase model. NOTE: This open source version was modified to build with the normal Go flow (go build), with some Oao isnt the most mature, rich, or easily usable tool on the list, but its This will require you to install the protoc compiler. As a comparison, Google's Git-hosted Android codebase is divided into more than 800 separate repositories. In particular Bazel uses its WORKSPACE file, Figure 3 reports commits per week to Google's main repository over the same time period. In addition, caching and asynchronous operations hide much of the network latency from developers. (NOTE: these dependencies are not present in this github repository, they amount of work to get it up and running again. ), Google does trunk based development (Yey!!) Updates from the Piper repository can be pulled into a workspace and merged with ongoing work, as desired (see Figure 5). A polyrepo is the current standard way of developing applications: a repo for each team, application, or project. Builders can be found in build/builders. A small set of very low-level core libraries uses a mechanism similar to a development branch to enforce additional testing before new versions are exposed to client code. Developers can browse and edit files anywhere across the Piper repository, and only modified files are stored in their workspace. Custom tools developed by Google to support their mono-repo. Millions of changes committed to Google's central repository over time. Given the value gained from the existing tools Google has built and the many advantages of the monolithic codebase structure, it is clear that moving to more and smaller repositories would not make sense for Google's main repository. WebYou'll get hands-on experience with best-in-class tools designed to keep the workflows for even complex projects simple! Given that Facebook and Google have kind of popularised the monorepos recently, I thought it would be interesting to dissect a bit their points of view and try to bring to a close the debate about whether mono-repos are or not the solution to most of our developer problems. Pretty simple and minimal browser extension that parses a `lerna.json`, `nx.json` or `package.json` file and if it finds that it is a monorepo it will add a navbar right above the repository's files listing that contains links to each package found inside the monorepo. As you could expect, the different copies of the engine evolve independently, and at some point, some features needed to be made available in some other games and so it was leading to a major headache and the painful merge process. Teams can package up their own binaries that run in production data centers. Chang, F., Dean, J., Ghemawat, S., Hsieh, W.C., Wallach, D.A., Burrows, M., Chandra, T., Fikes, A., and Gruber, R.E. ", However, Figure 5 seems to link to "Piper team logo "Piper is Piper expanded recursively;" design source: Kirrily Anderson. The fact that most Google code is available to all Google developers has led to a culture where some teams expect other developers to read their code rather than providing them with separate user documentation. The Google code-browsing tool CodeSearch supports simple edits using CitC workspaces. Those are all good things, so why should teams do anything differently? Protecting all the information in your Google Account has never been more important. c. Google open sourced a subset of its internal build system; see In conjunction with this change, they scan the entire repository to find and fix other instances of the software issue being addressed, before turning to new compiler errors. There are pros and cons to this approach. This means that your whole organisation, including CI agents, will never build or test the same thing twice. As the scale and Which developer tools is more worth it between and Solo Learn. WebSearch the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. About Google Colab . This technique avoids the need for a development branch and makes it easy to turn on and off features through configuration updates rather than full binary releases. It is thus necessary to make trade-offs concerning how frequently to run this tooling to balance the cost of execution vs. the benefit of the data provided to developers. As a matter-of-fact, it would not wrong to say that that the individuals at Google, Facebook, and Twitter must have had some strong reasons to turn to Monorepos instead of going with thousands of smaller repositories. 4. Developers see their workspaces as directories in the file system, including their changes overlaid on top of the full Piper repository. These costs and trade-offs fall into three categories: In many ways the monolithic repository yields simpler tooling since there is only one system of reference for tools working with source. Here, we provide background on the systems and workflows that make feasible managing and working productively with such a large repository. Tooling also exists to identify underutilized dependencies, or dependencies on large libraries that are mostly unneeded, as candidates for refactoring.7 One such tool, Clipper, relies on a custom Java compiler to generate an accurate cross-reference index. In Proceedings of the 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (Bergamo, Italy, Aug. 30-Sept. 4). development environments, which can be asked with one simple question: Depending on your needs and constraints, we'll help you decide which tools best suit you. (presubmit, building, etc.). Google's monolithic repository provides a common source of truth for tens of thousands of developers around the world. This approach differs from more typical methods of software development, where each project is usually stored on a separate repository with its own configuration for building, testing, and deployment. Monorepos are hot right now, especially among Web developers. Rachel Potvin and Josh Levenberg, Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Such A/B experiments can measure everything from the performance characteristics of the code to user engagement related to subtle product changes. As an example of how these benefits play out, consider Google's Compiler team, which ensures developers at Google employ the most up-to-date toolchains and benefit from the latest improvements in generated code and "debuggability." Everything you need to make monorepos work. Open the Google Stadia controller update page in a Chrome browser. You can Filesystem in userspace. Includes only reviewed and committed code and excludes commits performed by automated systems, as well as commits to release branches, data files, generated files, open source files imported into the repository, and other non-source-code files. their development workflow. Teams want to make their own decisions about what libraries they'll use, when they'll deploy their apps or libraries, and who can contribute to or use their code. Most of this traffic originates from Google's distributed build-and-test systems.c. For the sake of this discussion, let's say the opposite of monorepo is a "polyrepo". The commits-per-week graph shows the commit rate was dominated by human users until 2012, at which point Google switched to a custom-source-control implementation for hosting the central repository, as discussed later. This centralized system is the foundation of many of Google's developer workflows. Min Yang Jung works in the medical device industry developing products for the da Vinci surgical systems. Dependency-refactoring and cleanup tools are helpful, but, ideally, code owners should be able to prevent unwanted dependencies from being created in the first place. sign in Josh Levenberg ( is a software engineer at Google, Mountain View, CA. There are many great monorepo tools, built by great teams, with different philosophies. Additionally, this is not a direct benefit of the mono-repo, as segregating the code into many repos with different owners would lead to the same result. Note that the system also has limited documentation. which should have the correct mapping for all the dependencies (either vendored or otherwise). Curious to hear your thoughts, thanks! uncommon target, programmers are able to write custom programs that know how to build that target. Then, without leaving the code browser, they can send their changes out to the appropriate reviewers with auto-commit enabled. Most developers access Piper through a system called Clients in the Cloud, or CitC, which consists of a cloud-based storage backend and a Linux-only FUSE13 file system. Over the years, as the investment required to continue scaling the centralized repository grew, Google leadership occasionally considered whether it would make sense to move from the monolithic model. 7. maintenance burden, as builds (locally or on CI) do not depend on the machine's environment to Developers can also mark projects based on the technology used (e.g., React or Nest.js) and make sure that backend projects don't import frontend ones. Monorepos have a lot of advantages, but to make them work you need to have the right tools. code health must be a priority. At Google, we have found, with some investment, the monolithic model of source management can scale successfully to a codebase with more than one billion files, 35 million commits, and thousands of users around the globe. The code for the cicd code can be found in build/cicd. But how can a monorepo help solve all of them? At the top of the page, youll see a red button that says Switch to Bluetooth mode.. In 2015, the Google monorepo held: 86 terabytes of data. Piper stores a single large repository and is implemented on top of standard Google infrastructure, originally Bigtable,2 now Spanner.3 Piper is distributed over 10 Google data centers around the world, relying on the Paxos6 algorithm to guarantee consistency across replicas. - Made with love by Nrwl (the company behind Nx). No game projects or game-related technologies are present in this repository. The visibility of a monolithic repo is highly impactful. reasonable or feasable to build with Bazel. Continued scaling of the Google repository was the main motivation for developing Piper. While important to note a monolithic codebase in no way implies monolithic software design, working with this model involves some downsides, as well as trade-offs, that must be considered. help with building the stubs, but it will require some PATH modification to work. Coincidentally, I came across two interesting articles from Google Research around this topic: With an introduction to the Google scale (9 billion source files, 35 million commits, 86TB For instance, Google has written a custom plug-in for the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) to make working with a massive codebase possible from the IDE. Due to the need to maintain stability and limit churn on the release branch, a release is typically a snapshot of head, with an optional small number of cherry-picks pulled in from head as needed. day-to-day development workflow) but also in a long(er) term (e.g., what it means to the Rachel Potvin ( is an engineering manager at Google, Mountain View, CA. we vendored. The monorepo changes the way you interact with other teams such that everything is always integrated. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 26, 2 (June 2008). A monorepo changes your organization & the way you think about code. caveats. There is a tension between having all dependencies at the latest version and having versioned dependencies. 225-234. for contribution purposes mostly. Morgenthaler, J.D., Gridnev, M., Sauciuc, R., and Bhansali, S. Searching for build debt: Experiences managing technical debt at Google. scenario requirements. support, the mono-repo model simply would not work. Each tool fits a specific set of needs and gives you a precise set of features. Winter, and Emerson Murphy-Hill, Advantages and disadvantages of a monolithic She mentions the mono-repo is a giant tree, where each directory has a set of owners who must approve the change. Click How do they compare? This system is not being worked on anymore, so it will not have any support. WebGoogle's monolithic repository provides a common source of truth for tens of thousands of developers around the world. Digital Library is published here ( note: this is not being worked on anymore, it! Go, using protobuf for configuration in guiding dependency-refactoring efforts by finding targets google monorepo tools are relatively easy to remove break... Monorepo.Tools and Solo learn tooling and workflows is needed team focuses primarily on the systems and is! Game engines, which a snapshot of the workspace can google monorepo tools shared with other teams such everything... 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