Volcanic Ash Contingency Plan EUR and NAT Regions. The outbreak began along a fissure that split the long axis of the summit caldera, an oval, cliff-bounded basin approximately 3 to 5 km . Google Scholar, Crutchfield M (2013) Phases of disaster recovery: emergency response for the long term. For example, there are distinct differences between decision-making and actions undertaken by men and women (Haynes et al., 2016, Haynes et al., 2010) and age plays a significant role, with younger males often taking greater risks than older age groups and women across all age groups (Haynes et al., 2016). As a result, 2016 recorded the highest number of people employed in tourism. On 20th March 2010, Eyjafjallajkull burst into life after nearly 190 years of inactivity. The eruption of the Eyjafjallajkull volcano in Iceland on 20 March 2010 affected the economic, political and cultural activities in Europe and across the world. As Bird et al., (2010) found, foreigners are often not aware of the fact that volcanoes lie underneath some of Icelands glaciers and as such, are not aware of jkulhlaup risk nor are they aware of the risk of lightning and poisonous gases. Communication and risk mitigation strategies must also be tailored to meet the changing populations needs. The animals aren't as effected because the lava flow is slow enough everyone should be able to get away in time. The intense ash-producing eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull volcano in 2010 was the result of an explosive interaction between hot magma and cold glacial melt water. Stakeholders in the air traffic. Population data by age and gender is available from 1998. Conducted as a more open interview than the rigorous 2010 interviews, the 2016 interviews lasted between 17 and 57min. Out of 61 households approached to take part in the survey, 58 completed the questionnaire (one respondent per household) giving a response rate of 95%. All respondents were impacted by ash fall, just over a quarter (26%) were impacted by lahars and 20% were impacted by jkulhlaup. volume4, Articlenumber:151 (2018) J Geodyn 43:118152, orkelsson B (2012) The 2010 Eyjafjallajkull eruption, Iceland. Youre told to evacuate and you do that. At-risk populations are not only vulnerable due to a range of economic, demographic and political elements often beyond their control (Wisner et al., 2004), but also in relation to the various factors that affect their decision-making. This research was conducted in accordance with Human Research Ethics Regulations outlined by the University of Iceland and involved obtaining informed consent from all participants. Environmental cues, observed and communicated by farmers in Fljtshl as a fire on top of the mountain, were the first notification that alerted officials and monitoring scientists that an eruption had commenced on 20 March 2010. A burst of scientific articles has been published, including in special journal issues (Hasager et al, 2010; Langmann et al., 2012). Furthermore, it highlights the importance of capturing narratives of actions and activities to enhance our understanding of the process of decision-making and the situational factors that add to its complexity. The years of 2000, 2008 and 2016 were selected as equal time periods of available data from the most recent year (i.e., 2016, as accessed in 2017). Given the complexities of risks associated with volcanic hazards in Icelande.g., jkulhlaups, lightning, poisonous gases, as well as ash fallit is critical that these are clearly communicated with sufficient detail to avoid confusion among new residents. Follow-up interviews were conducted in 2016 with the Chief of Police, the Chief Superintendent, the head of Rangring eystra and two local residents who operated both farming and tourism businesses. Evacuation plans, based on a 2005 hazard assessment (see Gumundsson and Gylfason, 2005), were finalised during this period (Bird et al., 2011). Rep. 2:572, Haynes K, Barclay J, Pidgeon N (2008) The issue of trust and its influence on risk communication during a volcanic crisis. Its all going very well in a way but its a huge change because the tourists have multiplied - there are a lot more tourists here than there used to be three years ago. In: Fearnley CJ, Bird DK, Haynes K, Mcguire WJ, Jolly G (eds) Observing the volcano world: volcano crisis communication. While this is a limitation of the present study, we do not believe it detracts from the overall results. These trigger a series of pre-decisional processes that stimulate the receiver to consider their perception of the threat, alternative options for protective action and their perceptions of the relevant stakeholders involved (Lindell and Perry, 2012). Europe experienced air travel chaos for almost one month as much of the continent ground to a standstill. That is, based on media reports, residents deem others suffered far greater impacts than themselves and therefore consider them more vulnerable. Exactly ten years ago, on the 15th of April 2010, the volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajkull in Iceland had caused European airspace to come to a standstill. However, rather than just focusing information on the risk itself it is essential to communicate actionable risk, i.e., what actions people need to take with respect to reducing their personal risk (Drabek, 1999, Mileti et al., 2004, Wood et al., 2012). The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. With a changing population, exponential growth in tourism and a volcanic eruption on average every 34 years, disaster risk research is of critical importance. Hence, it is well known that if you are located in these areas you must evacuatehighlighting geographic location as an important factor influencing decision-making. This was evident during the 2010 flank eruption with scores of ill prepared tour groups and individual sightseers accessing the eruption site in extreme conditions (Bird et al., 2018). And we could see. . Created by. During these events they were impacted by jkulhlaup, ash fall, lightning, loud sound blasts and lahars. Deanne K. Bird. Accessed 14 Apr 2018, Strahan K, Whittaker J, Handmer J (2018) Self-evacuation archetypes in Australian bushfire. Causes The Canary Islands have over 30 volcanoes, 10 of which lie on the island of La Palma. In doing so, they will gain an enhanced understanding of the changing population and be in a position to adjust strategies to suit the populations needs. This included 19 households from Vestur-Eyjafjll, 26 from Austur-Eyjafjll, seven from Slheimar and six from lftaver (see Fig. Volcanoes - Iceland 2010 (HIC) and DRC 2002 (LIC) Use a named example of a tropical storm to show its effects and responses Hurricane Katrina 2005 or Typhoon Haiyan 2013 An example of a recent extreme weather event in the UK Cumbria Floods 2015 Section B - The living world An example of a small-scale UK ecosystem Pond Incandescent spatter erupted along a crack in the earth, scorching the soil as small lava fountains illuminated the dark landscape. Subsequently, a risk map was created that assessed and identified areas around the volcano that was specifically vulnerable if another eruption was going to occur, so people won't choose to build in these . 0.0 / 5. This undermines decision making processes . The western part of Mrdalshreppur [municipality] is somewhat forgotten and lost in this all. Included in this section is 2008 data derived from Bird et al., (2011) from the communities of Slheimar and lftaver. And she said Youre supposed to evacuate! But we didnt evacuate because we got no further information. Many respondents had lived at their address (during surveying) all their lives with almost two-thirds having lived there 30 years or more and most having family in the region for two or more generations, with the longest at seven generations. This includes work in hotels, restaurants and gift shops. The lack of resources was also noted as an impeding factor in the South region. I found it safer to be at a place where many of my countrymen were also (A-E). This resulted in massive impacts on air travel worldwide. It would have therefore been more logical to practice it under the new police jurisdiction once it had been created (RT). hours by the crew of a Coast Guard helicopter show a 2,6 km long slow-flowing lava . All other municipalities are considered as being outside the capital region. This paper draws on these learnings to consider future response to an evacuation order with respect to a regions recent experience of responding to evacuation orders. The volcano affected global air travel, and shook the economies of almost every European nation. Aust J Emerg Manag 27:2733, Bird D, Mcleman R, Gsladttir G, Kelman I, Nss MW, Ptursdttir G, Jhannesdttir G (2016) Climate change and settlement level impacts. Overall, the 58 households that took part in the survey included approximately 141 adults and 38 children (an approximate is given as some respondents noted that household membership varied with children attending school outside the region). Informed consent to interview and audio record was granted prior to commencement. 2008, Sjberg, 2000, Weinstein, 1987), may be directly linked to residents predicting their future vulnerability based on their personal experience of the Eyjafjallajkull eruptions. Again, evacuation orders were disseminated via the automated phone alert system with approximately 800 residents complying before daybreak on 14 April 2010. They dont seem like they are afraid or trying to get information about when the next [eruption] comes. Worst volcanic eruption in Japan for 90 years. Basaltic lava is fluid in nature. Furthermore, the required action, i.e., to evacuate, was clearly communicated. In addition, the sweeper system was deployed. Other factors noted by respondents were past experiences relating to the full-scale evacuation exercise practiced in 2006 for a Katla eruption (see Bird et al., 2009b) and the ongoing meetings right up until the flank eruption began. The farm is on a hill and in my opinion there was no risk of flooding (A-E). The impacts of the eruption were significant on my farm and at my neighbouring farms. The concentration charts were adopted by air traffic management and airlines with the expectation that zones of low density ash could be transited with no or minimal risk of immediate aircraft damage providing a regime of enhanced risk assessment by airlines, including more frequent aircraft inspections, was adopted. Long and Short term effects on volcanoes: Some short term effects are that the lava and technically burn anything in its path. Multiple community meetings were also held with residents living in the expected hazard zone. The points raised in the following excerpt taken from one interview with a resident were echoed by several other respondents. (A-E). 6.5 km (4 mi) Iceland: 6.6 Km ESE of Brarbunga. This lack of detail can be attributed to people sheltering in unofficial places (either by choice or official instruction to do so) and as reported by a few respondents, registration was not well organised in some instances. While the PADM identifies the way people typically make decisions, Lindell and Perry, (2012) recognise that various situational facilitators and impediments influence their response. Both Almannavarnir [DCPEM] and Bjrgunarsveitir [rescue teams], the Red Cross and the municipalities in the area were well organised. With respect to the latter, we draw similar data (i.e., from Bird et al., 2011) obtained prior to the eruptions to compare against post-event perceptions. 8). Average sentiment (where 1=extremely unlikely and 5=extremely likely) in regards to respondents perception of the possibility of a Katla eruption and its effects (n2008=19, n2010=5054). In: Fearnley CJ, Bird DK, Haynes K, Mcguire WJ, Jolly G (eds) Observing the Volcano World: Volcano Crisis Communication. Long Term. The plume from the volcano has spread across the North Sea and dropped untold megatons of microscopic . It is important to note that these networks have become more accessible and much greater with the advent of social media and the reliance on it for risk and crisis communication (Bird et al., 2012, Sennert et al., 2015), notwithstanding the challenges that brings. Despite this, some appreciated the eruption for its sheer beauty and force. This volcano eruption took place in Iceland. Iceland is home to multiple volcanoes and so is used to dealing with eruptions. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Combining various elements from these (e.g., Emergent Norm Theory, Protection Motivation Theory, Behavioural Decision Theory, Classical Persuasion Model, Attitude-Behaviour Theory), Lindell and Perry (2004) produced an integrated model entitled the Protective Action Decision Model (PADMsee Lindell and Perry (2004) for a description of each of these theories and models and how they relate to the PADM). The capital region consists of Reykjavk, Seltjarnarnes, Kpavogur, Hafnarfjrur, Gararbr, Mosfellsbr, lftanes and Kjsahreppur. Volcanoes can also have long-term effects on the climate, making the world cooler. The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available due to human research ethics agreements but may be made available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Almannavarnadeild Rkislgreglustjrinn (2017) Emergency Evacuationrfajkull. Long term responses The ash was dug up from the bottom of rivers to make the rivers deeper. While 2010 respondents believed it is more likely a Katla eruption will occur in the next 10 years, they perceived less damage would occur particularly in relation to their property (Fig. [My family has lived in this region as] far back as I am able to remember (S). Tourists arrested for entering restricted zones to take photos, Hawaii. Additionally, people were concerned about the designated evacuation centres. Average sentiment (where 1=not at all and 5=completely) in regards to respondents levels of trust in information from various sources about a future Katla eruption (n2008=19, n2010=5458). So when it started we were more like What? There are of course some things that we can do better and I think that most of that is regarding information to people. They can cause rain, thunder and lightning. Based on what we. Furthermore, earlier response plans were centred on a Katla eruption rather than a response to an Eyjafjallajkull eruption. Farming has traditionally been the main livelihood in Icelands South region. It was an enormously costly "one-size-fits-all". In relation to the amalgamation and the timing of the 2006 evacuation exercise, one of the rescue team members from the 2010 interviews stated: The time for the evacuation exercises in 2006 was not logical because it had been decided that the police districts would be joined here in the south. J Risk Res 20:931951, Sennert SSK, Klemetti EW, Bird DK (2015) Role of social media and networking in volcanic crises and communication. What I found in the wrong was that I was made to evacuate my farm which is located such that it is not subjected to floods, and I was sent off across the risk area to Vk in Mrdalur, and needed to cross many glacial rivers, and depending on the development of the volcanic activity, outburst floods could potentially have occurred in all of them. Between March and June 2010 a series of volcanic events at Eyjafjallajkull in Iceland caused enormous disruption to air travel across Western Europe . Eyjafjallajkull began erupting on 20 March 2010. I was concerned about the horses I found it terrifying and I feared that the ash would [continue to increase in quantity] (). Not only is this evident in the study region between neighbours, but also between residents, scientists, officials and local police. Learn. The lava flow from the Nyiragongo volcano flowed to the northeast of the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This creates many jobs for people in the tourism industry. (7 marks) Describe what can be done to limit the risk posed by volcanic eruptions to people and property in a named location. Map produced by Olga Kolbrn Vilmundardttir. Accessed 1 Dec 2017, Statistics Iceland (2017b) Internal migration between regions by sex and age 1986-2016-Division into municipalites as of 1 January 2017. http://px.hagstofa.is/pxen/pxweb/en/Ibuar/Ibuar__buferlaflutningar__buferlaflinnanlands__buferlaflinnanlands/MAN01002.px. Not only was this apparent in regards to residents wanting to abide by police orders, but also with respect to their neighbours and the local rescue team. If a volcanic eruption happens again, they will have better control over the entire air space. and JavaScript. Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull (pronounced "AY-yah-fyah . Sustained long-term efforts are needed to minimize the loss of lives from future eruptions. Case study of the Eyjafjallajkull eruption in Iceland in 2010. Iceland: 5.0 Km ESE of Brarbunga. Participants Adult residents in areas close to the Eyjafjallajkull volcano (N=1096), divided according to exposure levels, and a non-exposed sample (n=475), with 80% participation rate in 2013. Our primary school here in the area, they dont do anything special about this area. Google Scholar, Mileti DS, Sorensen JH (1990) Communication of emergency public warnings: a social science perspective and state-of-the-art assessment. Because there is no history of disaster in all the three eruptions in Eyjafjallajkull. Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, Nordvulk, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, You can also search for this author in Setting In spring 2010, the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkull erupted. Overall, residents believed they coped rather well with the eruptions (Table 3). At 9:30 p.m. on March 19, 2021 Predominantly short term- examples (Management) 2 / 9. Communities impacted by jkulhlaup (flood) inundation and ash fall exceeding 1cm (from Bird et al., 2018). In 2010, Iceland became the center of attention the world over. Despite these advances, Icelands sweeper system is still considered a critical component of the communication network. This evacuation could be listed as disorganised (A-E). Bird, D.K., Gsladttir, G. Responding to volcanic eruptions in Iceland: from the small to the catastrophic. In the wake of the 2010 eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull volcano, scientists are developing infrared technology to help pilots see and steer around ash clouds 4:05 Published: 7 Dec 2011 Use the GeoActive worksheet, Haiti earthquake 2010 (above), to complete the Word document (below). People who lack their own personal experience (i.e., new residents, tourists) might be influenced by vivid accounts from other members of the public more so than from volcanologists communicating geophysical probabilistic data (Lindell and Perry, 2004). Haiti earthquake 2010. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-018-0205-6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-018-0205-6. Tephra fallout and flood inundation data derived from Gudmundsson et al., (2012) and orkelsson (2012). http://px.hagstofa.is/pxen/pxweb/en/Ibuar/Ibuar__mannfjoldi__2_byggdir__sveitarfelog/MAN02001.px/table/tableViewLayout1/?rxid=e87bdd18-bb84-4e71-8c4f-611b8d583564. And of course [Eyjafjallajkull] they want to say theyve been here. Iceland: volcanic eruption prompts European Red Cross response Format News and Press Release Source. The Restless Earth Case Studies. The questionnaire included 92 open and closed response questions compiled into the following 10 sections, which also formed the basis of the semi-structured interviews. People used to be everywhere and its still the same, but now there are 30 times, 100 times more [tourists]. A volcanic eruption has started just 19 miles south from Reykjavk, the capital and largest city of Iceland. We still have the sweeper system it is difficult to depend only on the mobile phones so we still have the sweeper system (O). A one-size-fits-all approach among diverse populations is unlikely to generate a proactive public response to future evacuation orders (Mileti et al., 2004, Paveglio et al., 2017, Tierney et al., 2001). The open and transparent communication from police, and ensuing trust that developed between them and residents, as described in the previous sections, supports the data observed in Fig. We of course ran to the TV and turned it on and turned on the computers and [motions typing on keyboard] and made phone calls and we had phones calls and then we tried to get more information from the television mostly and the internet and when we didnt get any more information we just went to bed. Bull Volcanol 73:12091227, Bird DK, Jhannesdttir G, Reynisson V, Karlsdttir S, Gudmundsson MT, Gsladttir G (2018) Crisis Coordination and Communication During the 2010 Eyjafjallajkull Eruption. Data were collected at 2 time points: in 2010 and 2013. The authors declare no competing interests. Iceland is not big so it should be possible to teach (A-E). It is very misleading and wrong description that the impacts were confined to Eyjafjll. The transcripts underwent a further analysis to capture detail and nuances that relate to the aims of this paper. The 2010 eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull volcano had a huge impact on air travel, changing the assessment of risk by the aviation sector and catalyzing new lines of scientific investigation. Ds, Sorensen JH ( 1990 ) communication of emergency public warnings: a social science perspective state-of-the-art... That we can do better and I think that most of that is regarding information to people residents. The lack of resources was also noted as an impeding factor in the study region neighbours. Untold megatons of microscopic the tourism industry teach ( A-E ) are that the lava and burn... Eyjafjallajkull ( pronounced & quot ; one-size-fits-all & quot ; one-size-fits-all & quot one-size-fits-all... 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