This comes from the reduction in activity that is typical after the procedure. Although spaying and neutering are common, there are many misconceptions about routine surgeries. By preventing unwanted animals from roaming the streets, you are assisting the entire canine community. Written by Having a dog in heat when living in an apartment maybe not be the most pleasant thing. I have been an animal lover and owners all my life having owned a Rottweiler named Duke, a Pekingese named Athena and now a Bull Mastiff named George, also known as big G! Scalpels are extremely sharp surgical instruments. What are some pros and cons of spaying female dogs? Because the laser can affect tissues deeper in the abdomen, if the laser goes too deep through the tissues, the bladder or intestines can be lased as well as the body wall. Additionally, if the spaying surgery is done wrong or at the wrong age, health complications can worsen for the dog even more. However all this applies to surgeries in general and not specifically to the spay surgery so youll need to double-check with your vet about that. Prevention of diseases 3. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living In Destin, Fl. More on this later. Since they are more mellow and not seeking a female in heat, they are calmer and stay closer to home. My niece had her beagle spayed by laser too. Laura Sanborn's research stated: "On the positive side, spaying female dogs. I prefer as close to a year as possible, and if you have to go through one heat, it's not . I had to figure that out so that I wouldn't keep running to the vet getting Xrays when he just had a little pulled muscle or a bruise. For an extra $25 I can opt for lazer. What Are The Pros and Cons of Living in Apollo Beach, FL? Before moving to the pros and cons of this procedure, lets find out the history of how this started in the first place. Its better to spay a bird in the hand, isnt it? Get tips and exclusive deals. It is a totally different pain with laser but I can't say it was better. It reduces potential health problems. Report an Issue | I'm told that there are two different kinds of Let Dogster answer all of your most baffling canine questions! This article will help you do just that. Overall, it seems that it still is worth de-sex your dog as the pros of sterilization outweigh the cons. Rottweilers tend to have a very high tolerance for pain and there are pros and cons to that. Cats, particularly, were culturally considered free-roaming and were only impounded if they became a nuisance. Reduced bleeding to the cauterization of blood vessels as the laser beam cuts through the tissues. Speak with your doctor if you are unsure. While many people still prefer hand . Studies have shown that dogs spayed before puberty have a significantly lower chance of developing breast cancer than unspayed dogs or dogs spayed later in life. It may also be part of your dogs diabetes treatment. The Pros and Cons of Early Spays and Neuters In Pets Call Us: (800) 511-9172 Contact Us MyEmbrace Login Get Quote Coverage Compare Claims & Support Blog & Resources Home Water Bowl The Pros and Cons of Early Spays and Neuters In Pets The Pros and Cons of Early Spays and Neuters In Pets Written by Dr. Patty Khuly, VMD MBA Updated Jun 22, 2017 Surgical lasers are quite expensive, and they are not in. Finally, abnormal vulvas can trap bacteria and cause dermatitis, vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, all of which should be considered. Theres always a risk with a medical procedure. How much safer than regular surgury? Also, you should ask your vet whether your dog will receive IV fluids during the procedure. Some cats may gain weight after spaying. If Just like neutering, spaying is a surgery that requires anesthesia. I felt awful and guilty. neutering and spacing your dog is an important part of responsible dog care. READ:15 Tips on Dog Pregnancy and Whelping. If a bitch has one season she has a 10% chance of ovarian or mammory cancer, if two season then 20% chance later in life of cancer etc. There is also a small risk of death during birth or right after. The Pros of Laser Hair Removal. Spaying is the removal of the ovaries and uterus. So there's pros and cons, some of it is certainly a personal choice as far as like with the male dogs the aesthetic look of them after they've been altered is simply a personal preference. Spaying and neutering dogs has been shown to increase their chances of developing serious conditions in a growing body of research. If you still find yourself wondering what to do, consider the following questions and answers. When deciding whether to neuter or spay your pet, both procedures are well worth the cost. What Are The Pros & Cons Of Living In Vero Beach, FL? Incredibly, some vets overlook this important fact. The majority of veterinary surgeries, both major and minor, are performed on cats and dogs, including spaying and neutering. Spaying a golden retriever puppy is required if he is to be neutered. I did NOT want her miserable. Theres a possibility of your pet reacting poorly to this medication. -The pros and cons of neutering or spaying dogs explained above would have painted a rough picture of these two processes. No matter what your reason is for considering spaying or neutering your pet, its important to understand the pros and cons of the procedure. If he gets loose, he will try to track down the scent. A dog can usually be neutered between the ages of six and nine months, but puppies as young as eight weeks can be neutered as long as no other health problems are present. An overnight stay is normal and by the time she comes home the next day she will be feeling much better. Terms of Service, 2023Doodle Kisses Female dogs who are neutered have lower levels of risk of breast cancer because they are neutered. As the above-discussed study shows, this condition may be why your dog is becoming overweight, and eventually, you might need to start dealing with dog obesity. But. Samsung Galaxy S7 Pros and Cons Worth The Money? on lazer or traditional surgery for dog spaying?? My niece had her . Neutering a male dog before he reaches maturity provides health benefits. We had our dog laser neutered. The surgery is still highly recommended by vets for various reasons, but now we need more evidence than we currently have. Nonetheless, prepubertal gonadectomy in the US has increased dramatically in popularity over the past twenty years. You will have to bring your dog back in a week or two, so the vet can remove the stitches and check the incision. With a traditional spay procedure, both ovaries and the uterus are usually removed, which is considered an ovariohysterectomy. Spaying at any age offers your dog almost complete protection against pyometra afterwards. Spaying or neutering the breasts is painful for a few days, but it should go away within a week. Apex gastroy, which is a surgical procedure that involves sutures in the stomach to the abdominal wall, is intended to reduce the likelihood of bloating in the future. Prevention of unwanted pregnancy 2. READ NEXT:15 Cheap Ways To Prevent Most Common Health Issues in Dogs, How Neutering Dogs May Lead to Cognitive Impairments, Podcast on Pros & Cons of Neutering/Spaying Dogs, 30 Myths That Many Dog Owners Still Believe, 15 Cheap Ways To Prevent Most Common Health Issues in Dogs, Carcinoid Cancer in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment. I hope Magnet is feeling better real soon. Animals that are spayed or neutered typically live longer because there is a reduced risk of the fatal diseases that are associated with the animals reproductive system. Your email address will not be published. One of the advantages of spaying is preventing your dog from being in heat. This often depends upon the amount or quantity of the hair as well as the size of area that is being treated. Wellness Rewards is offered as a supplementary, non-insurance benefit administered by Embrace Pet Insurance Agency in the United States. With this new research and more on the horizon, veterinarians and scientists are beginning to reconsider their stance on neutering and spaying dogs. Similar to spaying your dog as a female, neutered male dogs can experience the case of hypothyroidism, and studies have shown that neutering will almost triple the risk of obesity, as was discussed above. After neutering your dog, you'll reduce his sexual desires. As you can see, there are many pros and cons associated with spaying your german shepherd. Spayed dogs will not be able to give birth, and neutered dogs will not be able to father a litter. Generally the vet will inject a fair amount of localized pain killers to help with the immediate post-op period, and will make sure shes had some orally before she leaves. Neutering helps in reducing aggressive tendencies towards other dogs from developing. I just Googled it and it's about an average of $200 more than the regular. More work is needed to establish the long-term effects on health and behavior. Animals that are spayed or neutered typically live longer because there is a reduced risk of the fatal diseases that are associated with the animals reproductive system. Detecting this horrid disease is often very difficult and the evidence suggests that as your female dog becomes elderly she is more likely to get it than not. The Humane Society of the United States cites that 6 to 8 million pets are brought to animal shelters every year: The numbers of domesticated pets in the US are growing, and so do the numbers of animals brought into shelters, which clearly pose a huge issue on many different levels. 2. By spaying and neutering pets, the population of homeless pets will begin to naturally decrease. It can be expensive. You won't have to worry about your dog going into heat. These risks are relatively low in routine spaying and neutering; however, they may be increased for some animals due to other pre-existing health factors. Larger incisions lead to a more serious wound. While most reactions are minor, 1 in 5 dogs reacts negatively to anesthesia. I traveled 50 miles one way and had Magnet spayed by laser by my sister's vet who was the only one around me that offered it. Roaming, a common male dog behavior in search of mates, usually goes away after neutering. It is easier to heal, reduce pain, and reduce discomfort using laparoscopy. Over the following several decades, shelters and rescue groups aggressively campaigned for more awareness. Reduces the chances of mammary cancer. It helps in avoiding the complications that comes when the process of pregnancy starts. Most dog owners will need to start feeding their dogs substantially less often, put them on a weight loss diet, use low-calorie foods and healthy dog treats. She would not lay down at all the first night. We had her done the traditional way. Due to my own allergy issues, my 35 years of pet ownership has been confined to the Shih Tzu breed, both large and small - and I have usually had two or three at . What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living In Florida Panhandle? If this happens as a result of the surgery as far as I know theres really not a lot that can be done to improve things. A quick science-based overview of what we know today: Dog Spaying: 3 Pros and 3 Cons Ever heard the term prepubertal gonadectomy? This mouthful of terminology was brought to you by veterinarians who theorized it would be easier to spay and neuter puppies and kittens before they reached sexual maturity. After reading all the research available I came to the conclusion that spaying at the first season would be the best idea for my puppy. Some dogs may also be candidates for contributing to a breeds gene pool. For males, neutering reduces the risk of issues like enlarged prostate or other conditions. Some reason laser spaying just sounds like it could be dangerous. Its a sarcoma arising from the lining of blood vessels; that is, blood-filled channels and spaces are mostly observed microscopically. But in a small proportion of dogs it can remain a long-term issue. After all, it will significantly impact your pet's health. In addition, with a small spot size that minimises the heat affected zone, there is exceptional low workpiece distortion plus high mechanical strength in the weld seam. Spaying takes place under general anesthesia, which carries risks of developing blood clots, arrhythmia, and respiratory depression while dogs are under. Dr. Erin Troy, owner of Muller Veterinary Hospital in Walnut Creek, California, agrees that dog laser therapy reduces pain and inflammation and promotes the healing of many tissues in the body, including skin, ears, gums, muscles and tendons. Dissolvable sutures are used to keep the surrounding tissues from irritating the body over time, but they dissolve as the body heals. The cost of your pet's spay/neuter surgery is a lot less than the cost of having and caring for a litter. As the dog ages, the bladder muscles become weaker than they should be, which causes leakage. In its technical term, spaying is the surgical procedure of sterilization. Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment in the follicle. Its a permanent thing and theres no turning back. Samsung Galaxy S6 Pros and Cons Worth The Money? It can also be used for surface cleaning and rust removal! What Are The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Pros and Cons? More pros to spaying and neutering include: Prevents uterine infections and prostate disorders: female dogs who aren't spayed are prone to a very serious and life-threatening infection called pyometra. According to Dr. Hart, dog owners should be aware of joint issues if their pets are active before deciding whether or not to neuter them. Precision. Dog Spaying: 3 Pros and 3 Cons (female dogs) 1 PRO of spaying your dog: Heat Period Reduction Dog spaying will prevent periods of your baby girl being in heat. Eliminating female dogs ovaries reduces the risk of heat-related issues and unwanted behaviors in dogs and cats. Your dog may also become lethargic, tired, and start losing hair. But another study has shown that castration may increase the progression of tumors (11). I held her rear end up for her for 5 hrs so she could sleep, while crying the whole time. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living In Jacksonville Fl? It is always a small chance that the knot will slip and cause bleeding. Your female pet will have a longer, healthier life and be less likely to develop mammary cancer as a result of this treatment. Spaying will result in the sterilization of your cat, and she will no longer have the ability to become pregnant. I'm also an amateur equestrian and love working with horses. The benefits of this practice have been known for quite some time. If neutered, the risk is highly reduced. Before I had my doodle Magnet spayed, I did quite a bit of research on the laser spaying as opposed to the traditional spay. Neutering is the de-sex procedure of male dogs where their testicles (or gonads) are removed. RELATED:30 Myths That Many Dog Owners Still Believe. Pros of Spaying Dogs 1. Controls uterine infections that can be fatal, such as pyometra. They are also less likely to mark their territory or engage in other undesirable behaviors. You probably think about neutering or spaying your dog, but you're not sure if this is a good idea. It saves households money. . If your male dog is not neutered, there are a few reasons to think about it. Google Pixel 5 Pros and Cons Is It Worth the Money? A male should be neutered after 6 months of age, while a female should be spayed after 12 months. For a family that is living paycheck to paycheck, thats money that would normally go to groceries, the power bill, or other necessary items. He says it is a better because it is less painful and . Spaying a dog will eliminate the risk of your female dog developing cancer of her uterus, cancer of ovaries, or reproductive tract. Also is it necessary for all dogs to have Medicam for pain afterwards or is each spay different? The day they brought her home you would not even know she had surgery. And by spaying your female canine you wont have to worry when leaving her alone in the yard or when taking her for walks. Turns out we have very little to go on when it comes to working out the long-term risks for very early spays and neuters. My sister just had her doodle spayed traditionally too, and she was fine the next day. Reduces the number of cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies that are unwanted. By continuing to browse this network, you agree to the use of cookies. Spaying your dog to prevent both prostate and uterine cancers reduces his risk of developing both types of cancer. Both hand engraving and laser engraving are methods of adding marks to a surface that will stand out from the rest of the material. Ive never experienced it with my dogs so I dont have any advice on that, but again Id discuss it with your vet fully so you know everything beforehand. This problem can be solved by decreasing your pet's meal portion and take them for more exercise. Spaying is associated with a variety of health benefits, as well as the reduction of cat populations. 10 Advantages of Project Management Tools, 11 Pros and Cons of Having Rabbits as Pets, 13 Pros and Cons of Surrogacy You Should Know, 10 Pros and Cons of Agriculture Technology, 10 Pros And Cons Of Living In Asheville NC, 7 Pros And Cons Of Living In Charlotte NC, 16 Pros And Cons Of Living In North Carolina, 9 Pros And Cons Of Living In Venice, Florida, 10 Pros And Cons Of Living In South Florida. What is neutering? Additionally, some dog guardians think that it is better to wait until their dog is fully grown before having the procedure done. During the dogs neuter procedure, one incision is made directly in front of the testicles and scrotum. So, it works best on patients with dark hair and lighter skin. Spaying and neutering can also help your pet be less likely to roam, and can help reduce the number of territorial disputes between animals. Thank-you so much for your advice. . TOP #25: Debunking 8 Common Homemade Dog Food Diet Myths, TOP #26: Who Benefits from Homemade Dog Food the Most. In this case, a female dog'sovaries and uterus areremoved it's calledOvariohysterectomy. Leaving a dog unattended might result in him or her being labeled as an irresponsible pet owner. We know it's absolutely necessity to help stem pet overpopulation. If its performed sooner, these veterinarians reasoned, surgical gonadectomy (aka, spaying and neutering) might just be faster, easier, safer, and cheaper. Make an informed decision about the options with your veterinarian that is in the best interests of you, your family, and your pet. Because the symptoms of pancreatitis are still present in some cases, it is possible that the condition will continue to affect the dog for the rest of its life. Neutering and spaying of dogs are done under general anesthesia, so your canine won't feel a thing when a surgical incision is performed. Cons to laser: Dog still goes into heat; still can bleed; still can get mammary cancer. Also, it undoubtedly beats the price of treatment when your unneutered dog runs away and gets into fights with the neighborhood stray dogs. There are techniques to avoid hitting other organs with the laser, but it is more time consuming. I recently adopted a 5 month old puppy that has not been spayed. Both neutering and spaying refer to the most common sterilization methods, most often used with dogs, but many other animals go through this. Spaying later in life may be less likely to confer protection, than spaying at a very early age. According to recent research, it is compelling to postpone neutering dogs. Neutering male dogs with aggression had a negative impact on aggression in 25% to 30% of cases. If you decide to find homes for your new puppies, that may prove to be much harder than you think. Based on all the scientific data, it is clear that early neutering has more cons than pros. Lots of veterinarians seem to agree. It has been like this for decades. This would mean that a pet owner may not only lose their pet, but they may be receiving veterinarian bills in the mail to pay later on as well. Your dog will be less likely to get into fights with other dogs, canine packs, or strays in the neighborhood, which saves you the cost of vet bills or the pain of finding your pet injured. When it comes to spaying and neutering senior dogs, there are a number of pros and cons to consider. Neutering can make dogs heavier and increase the risk of hip dysplasia. When these organs are removed, you will have fewer worries about your dog's health. Recently there was a discussion on spaying and someone did the pros and cons of laser vs. traditional. Theres the rub. In fact, even the leading veterinary organization, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)agreesits a worthy approach: The AVMA supports the concept of early (prepubertal, 8 to 16 weeks of age) spay/neuter in dogs and cats in an effort to reduce the number of unwanted animals of these species. Many pet advocates, veterinarians, experts, humane societies, and even lawyers agree that it is irresponsible to allow your male dog to breed with a strange female dog mostly because of dogs and cats' current overpopulation and other pets. Often a dog willeven mark inside your home. Finally, neutering keeps your dog from breeding, as I have mentioned above. The anesthetic and surgical procedures are apparently safe for young puppies and kittens; morbidity is lower and recovery is faster than in adult animals. Often a dog will even mark his territory inside your home. admin Paige. No cycling can also increase gains if the whole group, whether at pasture or in the feedlot, have been done. The Cons: Low Cost Spay & Neuter Clinics Low cost spay and neuter clinics also have some negatives to consider that are relative to being low cost. In order to keep overhead low and volume up, surgeries and post-operative care need to keep to a tighter schedule the day of surgery and in some cases will need to be booked further in advance. At the present time, scientists are researching even cheaper and easier ways to spay and neuter pets. Neutered dogs run the risk of developing a canine version of dementia, which is actually called geriatric cognitive impairment and is statistically common among neutered dogs. She may feel less uncomfortable than a dog of another breed which is good. Bob Barker encouraged watchers of The Price is Right to spay and neuter their pets at the close of many broadcasts. I have not read much on laser spaying but I am wondering if they have to inflate the abdominal area with a gas like they do in a human, my doctor said that creates a lot of pain for people. Male pets who are neutered are less likely to develop testicular cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. There is insufficient research on spay-neuter, but it is already widely known that vets can advise dog owners on better treatment options. In some situations, your vet may suggest doing so earlier or later. This has a wealth of benefits for you as her owner. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living In Clearwater Fl? For canines who were neutered at the wrong age in their lives, or if the process was done poorly, studies show a high risk of hip dysplasia, problems with ligaments, and even the potential to develop bone cancer known as osteosarcoma, according to the above-mentioned studies. Rottweiler Behavior Explained Separating Myth From Fact, Parvo In Puppies What You Need To Know About Symptoms and Treatment. Regardless of the technique that is employed, your dog will need pain control during and after the procedure. Spaying may cause weight gain. in general, the disadvantages of laparoscopic ove and ovh include the cost of equipment, the need for extensive training and practice to achieve proficiency, and the longer surgical time. What is neutering? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. More precise, faster and user friendly, that's laser welding. Issues can include an enlarged prostate in dogs, prostate cysts, and prostate infections. Moving along, male dogs can sometimes experience the case of a skin disease known as perianal fistula or anal fistula. Laser treatments can also reduce fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, dark spots and other blemishes. A Guide To Bringing Pets To Disc Golf Courses, Are Pets Allowed On The Garden City Pier? If you wish to breed your cat, spaying should not be done. Craft Beer Brings People and Pups Together, The Year of the Dog Movie Coming to Theaters Nationwide, 2016 Reader Survey Sweepstakes Official Rules, Dogster Magazine Subscription Maintenance, Editors Choice Awards 2022 Dogster Approved. Following the ligating procedure, the testicle is removed and the procedure is repeated on the second testicle. In most cases, veterinarians recommend spaying (in the case of females) or neutering (males) because it has a positive effect on the health and behavior of dogs: reduces the risk of prostate and breast cancer (I have not found exact data on this, so, there is no confirmation); If your dog is too active or licking at his incision after recently being neutered, you should consult your veterinarian. So, making them go through desexing procedure saves . Some states are even required by law to spay or neuter dogs before they can be adopted. 1. they make it easier for you to do surgeries, 2. there is less bleeding, 3. less pain, 4. faster wound healing, 5. you need no sutures, 6. you can make smaller incisions, 7. Thank you for open discussion of the pros and cons of each type of surgery. He is less likely to hump other pets or objects. Neutering refers to castration, or the removal of a male dog's testicles. Your pets risk of testicular cancer is reduced by rubbing him on a regular basis. Without these organs, ovarian cysts, uterine infections and cancer of the reproductive tract are no longer a concern. Pro/con to everything , Thanks Sue even though your NOT a vet and I know that, I still apppreciate your opinion..The information eases me lots and I will opt for lazer.Will update you down the road on her recoveryso once again thanks:), by Daniel (Queens, New York) Lately my rottweiler is limping off her left hind leg., by john ridgley (high wycombe buckinghamshire england uk ) i have a 5 year old, by sophie (birmingham) table#thumbs {margin:0 auto} table#thumbs td {text-align:center; vertical-align:bottom} my dog passed away 1. Issues and unwanted behaviors in dogs, prostate cysts, uterine infections and cancer ovaries. 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