At a meeting with him at his office this past fall, he unrolled one of his countless maps of the Sphinx on a table. Apparently, the process of souls incarnating into the physical world was different at this time, and many people were incarnating in partial animal form, as well as suffering from being disconnected from spirit. These readings are stored at the Edgar Cayce institute, and also were made available in book form. It's interesting to note that there is actual hidden chambers under the paws and under the back part of the Sphinx which gives even more credibility to the Alien tomb theory and as such I am starting to believe this theory even more and as a result it's changed my beliefs which I wasn't expecting and why I am going to post this on my website. Express. THE Russian child genius who says he was born on Mars claims the secret to all human life can be found INSIDE the Great Sphinx of Egypt. Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Spaceship under the Sphinx - YouTube Spaceship under the Sphinx Angieghost UFORick 743 subscribers Subscribe 0 Share No views 1 minute ago Show more Show more Nurturing Resilient Mindsets. (via Britannica ), the massive structure depicts a human head atop a feline body. About 700 of them had incarnations in Atlantis. Note: In order to confirm the bank transfer, you will need to upload a receipt or take a screenshot of your transfer within 1 day from your payment date. The Sphinx is sitting on top of what looks like a doorway. If youd like to continue researching ancient Egypt you can see which books I recommend on the subject by clicking here. But it wasnt until they excavated and mapped the area that they realized it was a settlement bigger than ten football fields and dating to Khafres reign. Boriska says he is not the only child from outer space on Earth, claiming there are others like him who were also sent here on a specific mission to save humanity. Retrocognition: able to see events past events By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The tablet has an illustration of the Sphinx, with a large empty space beneath it, which if interpreted literally, shows that a large chamber is present just beneath the Sphinx. On it, in the 70th millennium BC, the ancestors of the first caste of gods arrived on Earth, which they erected such beautiful cultural pinnacles. According to the Cayce readings another Hall of Records is located in Guatemala, in an ancient Mayan city called Piedras Negra. Many restorations have been conducted on the Sphinx, including recent extensive ones in the 1980s and 1990s. Egypt were invaded and conquered by a tribe from the Carpathian region. "What does the other one show? See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. In this case they stay a little more true to the original idea, with the Hall of Records being located under the Sphinx. Under the ear of the Sphinx (which was a "Dogs head" initially by the way many, many years back). Seismological readings of the ground beneath the Sphinx do indicate that there could be an open space there, and evidence even suggests that the walls of this area may have 90-degree corners, indicating that they were constructed. Im sure this might have been covered, but I would like to know why this explanation is not being accepted as the most plausible According to Edgar Cayce, the 'other' Nostradamus, the Great Sphinx of Egypt is much older than mainstream researchers suggest. The Carpathian tribe was ruling over the native Egyptians when the Atlanteans began immigrating in large numbers to Egypt, forming a distinct third group. is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. The Sphinx was not assembled piece by piece but was carved from a single mass of limestone exposed when workers dug a horseshoe-shaped quarry in the Giza plateau. If Im right, this episode could represent a kind of tipping point between different climate statesfrom the wetter conditions of Khufu and Khafres era to a much drier environment in the last centuries of the Old Kingdom.. Near the cemetery, nine years later, Lehner discovered his Lost City. He said in 2001: The objective of one of the particular missions was to find any knowledge left behind from an extraterrestrial civilisation. While serving as a science advisor in advance propulsion systems, Dr Victor Ivanovich claims he gained access to files on one of the KGBs secret mission called Project ISIS. Some even suggest that the erosion indicates that the Sphinx dates back to 10 000 B.C, at which point it would have faced directly towards the constellation of Leo, which represents the lion. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Boriska has baffled his parents and experts with his amazing knowledge of the galaxy, He claims life on Earth will change forever when the secrets of the Great Sphinx in Giza are 'unlocked', He claims to have flown to ancient Egypt during his previous life as a Martian pilot, He claims his own race of Martians was virtually wiped out in a nuclear conflict, A spooky Sphinx-like face captured on Mars by the Viking spacecraft July 31, 1976, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). This transformation not only guaranteed eternal life for the dead ruler but also sustained the universal natural order, including the passing of the seasons, the annual flooding of the Nile and the daily lives of the people. Hollows located under the Sphinx as yet, not identified. They found the water table was only 15 feet beneath the statue. Here is a quote from Tablet 5 of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, interesting because of its mention of a spaceship beneath the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid, and a mysterious Key of the Seven, which I believe may relate to the royal cubit of seven palms: "Raised I to Light, the children of Khem. His readings have proven to be remarkable in many ways, and are studied by many serious researchers. The treatments given alleviated many of these issues, and was a key factor in the elevation of culture during this era of Egypt. Everet Dee is an author and researcher with a passion for metaphysics, philosophy, hidden history, the occult, the esoteric, and religion. These included a cavity Sphinx's in front of the Sphinx's forepaws. Bring forth my ship and conquer with ease. Some say the Great Sphinx of Egypt is thousands of years older than it is commonly held to be, a point of controversy that has rippled through the archaeological community for decades. Precognition: able to see events before they occur This shaft is short and leads to a dead end. Ok, first off. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on Amazon. We put a lot of man hours in to writing each posts so you get the right information. It faces directly west, and is locate on the west bank of the Nile river. Edgar Cayce was a psychic in the United States during the first half of the 20thy century, who conducted thousands of psychic readings. The Sphinx itself, it seems, symbolized the pharaoh presenting offerings to the sun god in the court of the temple. Hawass concurs, saying the Sphinx represents Khafre as Horus, the Egyptians revered royal falcon god, who is giving offerings with his two paws to his father, Khufu, incarnated as the sun god, Ra, who rises and sets in that temple., Equally intriguing, Lehner discovered that when one stands near the Sphinx during the summer solstice, the sun appears to set midway between the silhouettes of the pyramids of Khafre and Khufu. and our There is a flat area with little obstacles and Egypt is also near the centre of the Earth.. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's . He remembers climbing all over the Sphinx like the Lilliputians on Gulliver, and mapping it stone by stone. The result was a uniquely detailed picture of the statues worn, patched surface, which had been subjected to at least five major restoration efforts since 1,400 B.C. In 2010 I released a CNNiReport on my discovery claim that I believe the detail shown on a papyrus is of a real celestial ship 'UFO' landing on the back of the Giza Sphinx in ancient Egypt. It is also one of the oldest. Caycee said in that space, the civilization before Egyptians left records about humanities past for future generations, these people would have migrated from Atlantis. Boriska, of Volgograd, Russia, alleged he lived on the red planet before being reborn on Earth along with "others" on a mission to save mankind. His investigations at the Lost City revealed that the site had eroded dramaticallywith some structures reduced to ankle level over a period of three to four centuries after their construction. Collect 50 silica. In front of the Sphinx, between its paws, is stone tablet, known as the Dream Stele. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Until the year 1817 only the head was above ground, when the first attempt was made to dig it up. The Sphinx has thus emerged into the landscape out of shadows of what seemed to be an impenetrable oblivion, the New York Times declared. Interest in this region began with the discovery of what appeared to be man-made rectangular blocks. This was successful and Egypt experienced profound development as a result, in terms of technology as well as human relations. Lehner and Brown estimate one laborer might carve a cubic foot of stone in a week. The mythical kingdom of Shambhala is a fascinating mystery, as it conjures up images of profound eastern meditation, as well as a sense of heaven on earth. More info, The pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx could all be linked by a vast underground network of chambers and passageways, and the neglected door might be a way inside if amateur historian Matt Sibson is to be believed. The Sphinx book. The series involves a Boy Scout named Eddie who meets an alien in his apple orchard who comes from the planet Martinea. Relative to the Cayce readings, the creators of these recent movies took great poetic liberties with the facts of the Hall of Records, mostly just using the compelling mysterious nature of the story as an added element to the work of fiction. The Great Sphinx, in Giza, Egypt, is breathtaking all its own, standing about 65 feet high with the Great Pyramid as a backdrop. If there's one thing about the Sphinx is that it has been changed over the years with a varied degree of attempts to save something of it be it either the shape, size or the insides? A Chamber Beneath the Sphinx The conclusion of the Japanese work suggests that the sanctuary of the Sphinx contains more cavities below the Sphinx than were previously known. The face, though better preserved than most of the statue, has been battered by centuries of weathering and vandalism. The Passage Under the Sphinx The Passage Under the Sphinx Mark E Lehner Zahi Hawass We report on the passage in the rump of the Sphinx, and the information it gives on the, geology and weathering of the Sphinx, and the history of its masonry casings. Three years ago, Egyptian authorities learned that sewage dumped in a nearby canal was causing a rise in the local water table. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Apparently, workmen, probably using ropes and wooden sledges, hauled away the quarried blocks to construct the temple as the Sphinx was being carved out of the stone. Working closely with a young Egyptian archaeologist named Zahi Hawass, Lehner also explored and mapped a passage in the Sphinxs rump, concluding that treasure hunters likely had dug it after the statue was built. The Sphinx (Area 51, #4) by Robert Doherty The Sphinx book. Mike T wrote on 12 September, 2014 - 12:02. and 11 000 B.C. Bright Insight . Never say to anyone that we saved the Sphinx, he says. Recognized today as one of the worlds leading Egyptologists and Sphinx authorities, Lehner has conducted field research at Giza during most of the 37 years since his first visit. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. All rights reserved. Then there are even stranger and more "out there claims" that there are even tombs of Aliens under the great Sphinx but this is all yet to be claimed for real as yet? Stream Spaceship Under the Sphinx by 4Chun500 on desktop and mobile. The Egyptians didnt write history, says James Allen, an Egyptologist at Brown University, so we have no solid evidence for what its builders thought the Sphinx was.Certainly something divine, presumably the image of a king, but beyond that is anyones guess. Likewise, the statues symbolism is unclear, though inscriptions from the era refer to Ruti, a double lion god that sat at the entrance to the underworld and guarded the horizon where the sun rose and set. Many academics believe that this iconic figure was carved out of the bedrock about 4500 years ago under the reign of pharaoh Khafre. The Sphinx is 66 feet tall, and 240 feet long. The Egyptians knew him as "one of the ten members of the dynasty of gods who ruled earth before earthly kings," meaning he came from the Atlantean Order of Melchizedek (the cosmic priests to the priests)highly evolved beings who reincarnated to help man during key periods in evolutionary time. Cayce suggests that this enigmatic monument is at least 15,000 years old, and is closely related to Atlantis, one of the most searched-for ancient civilizations. It could be that this involves a change in dimension, or similar supernatural phenomenon. Some researchers have interpreted the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce to mean that the original name was Mystery, and references to mystery have been found in hieroglyphs. The original Hall of Records was located in Atlantis, which was a continent in the Atlantic Ocean, according to Edgar Cayce, as well as the descriptions by Plato. I took a small break from this but reading the tablets has motivated me to enter the area underneath the Sphinx, and discover what is there and report my findings. Buried underneath the Great Sphinx of Giza is an ancient library called the Hall of Records. Follow the corridors deep underground, until you're . To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. Many of his patients came to him as a last resort after consulting conventional doctors, and in a trance, he would diagnose their condition. This seems centred around alchemy, and alchemists were very secretive of their work. The word sphinx was derived by Greek grammarians from the verb sphingein ("to bind" or "to squeeze"), but the etymology is not related to the legend and is dubious. The Space Ship Under the Apple Tree is a children's science fiction book series by Louis Slobodkin, and also the name of the first book in the series. Cayce describes it as such: This in position lies, as the sun rises from the waters, the line of the shadow (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx, that was later set as the sentinel or guard.. The pharaohs central authority gradually weakened, allowing provincial officials to assert themselvesculminating in an era of civil war. It was built in the middle of the greatest landmass on Earth facing the birthplace of the race at 15 degree angle the Southeast Asia. If somehow intentional, it ranks as an example of architectural illusionism on a grand, maybe the grandest, scale.. The divisive horror film from 2017 is the only shark movie on the list. They were also very advanced in their consciousness, and probably possessed psychic abilities. Find and solve all twelve stone circles. Privacy Policy. . The desert sands sprouted rolling grasslands punctuated by verdant valleys, prompting people to begin settling the region in 7,000 B.C. Today, the Sphinx is still eroding. The CIA stepped in and stopped it's own official's of Egypt from investigating any further? Its known from hieroglyphic texts that Khafres father, Khufu, built the 481-foot-tall Great Pyramid, a quarter milefrom where the Sphinx would later be built. Very interesting, thank you so much for posting. In keeping with the legend of Horemakhet, Thutmose may well have led the first attempt to restore the Sphinx. I wonder if I'm being subconsciously channelled ? 2023 Smithsonian Magazine link to 10 Things Hermes Trismegistus is Known For. He and Hawass had been aware since the mid-1980s that there were buildings at that site. Is there really Aliens buried inside tombs of the Ancient Egyptian Sphinx or is it a made up legend or myth by Egyptians and conspiracy theorists? He added the opening mechanism is hidden somewhere behind the world-famous landmark's ear. Boriska - who calls himself an 'Indigo Child' - said "his people"have a strong connection to the ancient Egyptians. You can read more about what he said about the civilization here. The Giza Pyramids) is the Sphinx, which deserves to be described even more than they, and yet the Egyptians have passed it over in silence. During Cayces readings he often discussed dreams, health, healing and wellness, as well as extra sensory perceptions. there was something found there, tablets as I recall in the early 90's, there are lots of threads about this on ATS already, here's one of them, The readings that deal with Atlantis can be grouped in the life readings portion of his work. The implication is that the Sphinx and the pyramids, epic feats of engineering and architecture, were built at the end of a special time of more dependable rainfall, when pharaohs could marshal labor forces on an epic scale. They could not hold back the sand, which poured into their excavation pits nearly as fast as they could dig it out. Nobody knows its original name. He claims his ownrace of Martians was virtually wiped out in a nuclear conflict thousands of years ago and he fears we are now heading in the same direction. For example, in the tv series X-Men: Evolution the Hall of Records is a prison, where a mutant named Apocalypse is held captive. Based on what I read he buried the ship under the Sphinx. Across Egypt, sphinxes appeared everywhere in sculptures, reliefs and paintings, often depicted as a potent symbol of royalty and the sacred power of the sun. Then, in 1980, Lehner recruited a young German geologist, Tom Aigner, who suggested a novel way of showing that the Sphinx was an integral part of Khafres larger building complex. So I had this realization, he says, Oh my God, this buzz saw that cut our site down is probably what also eroded the Sphinx. In his view of the patterns of erosion on the Sphinx, intermittent wet periods dissolved salt deposits in the limestone, which recrystallized on the surface, causing softer stone to crumble while harder layers formed large flakes that would be blown away by desert winds. So Lehner settled in, working for five years out of a makeshift office between the Sphinxs colossal paws, subsisting on Nescaf and cheese sandwiches while he examined every square inch of the structure. The full name of the magnificent monolith located in the Giza plateau of Egypt is the Great Sphinx of Giza, and it is made from a single piece of limestone rather than from stacked bricks. Both traverses indicate an anomaly that could possibly be due to a tunnel aligned north-west to south-east", Two other anomalies were noted, deep in the bedrock "in front of the paws of the Sphinx. learn from it. - Emerald Tablets Of Thoth - YouTube 0:00 / 2:06 Spaceship Buried Under Sphinx !!! Since we're a small . If so, then why do they lie about how it works? There is a third library located in underwater near the island of Bimini, which is off the coast of the Bahamas. He produced 14000 stenographic records of the telepathic-clairvoyant statements he had given for more than 8000 people over 43 years. It also contains technical information on how to construct pyramids, how to work with metals, and other aspects of the advanced technology, including for communication, and transportation. UFO Sightings Footage UK UFO Blog - UFO & Aliens Images & Videos,, Clearest Footage Of Silver UFO Is Definitely A Craft But From Where, Pyramid Shape UFO From 2006 Over UK - Gut Feeling, Real, Giant Craft Above The ISS Solar Panel Caught On Live Feed, Here's A Really Bizarre Anomaly Over The Indian Ocean, Real Evidence Of Ancient Mining Equipment On Asteroid Eros, 9,000 Year Old Skull With Microchip Inside It, Alien Greys In Ancient Mayan Stone Relief, FBI Confirms Interdimensional Entities Are Visiting Us. The pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx could all be linked by a vast underground network of chambers and passageways, and the neglected door might be a way inside if amateur historian Matt Sibson is. Clairvoyance: able to see objects or events in the minds eye from prying eyes. Described by psychics though never officially found, it was created by people from the ancient civilization of Atlantis, who relocated to Egypt after the destruction of their continent in 10 000 B.C. So something or someone was buried inside it and that's quite literally from the horses mouth, of sorts? The Sphinx is considered to be one of the largest single-stone statues in the world. And he claims life on our planet will change forever when the secrets of the Great Sphinx in Giza are finally unlocked. German climatologists Rudolph Kuper and Stefan Krpelin, analyzing the radiocarbon dates of archaeological sites, recently concluded that the regions prevailing climate patternchanged around 8,500 B.C., with the monsoon rains that covered the tropics moving north. At its heart were four clusters of eight long mud-brick barracks. 2021, Under the Sphinx. His outstanding knowledge of the planetary systems has confounded experts around the world, including scientists. Naravno da postoje grobnice vanzemaljacaaknse i zna da su Faraoni bili jedni od njih.. Over the spaceship, erected a marker in the form, of a lion yet like unto man. Maybe some concrete indications that the Sphinx dates back way before Kufu. The Rooms under the Giza Sphinx | Super Soldier Talk The SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as 1978, mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids. I will be attempting to go there each night and hopefully I will discover the truth! 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