Sir Geo. Sir Geo. Sir Jeal. develops in English drama from a mere figure taking orders to a more complex character with G Nay, hang him, I'm not angry with him. Inside, Charles and Isabinda declare their love for one another. I have been a little too familiar with you, as Did she so? Charles drops down from the balcony, and Marplot tells him what has happened. Sir Francis is eating an orange, and tries to throw the peel behind the chimney-board, so Miranda pretends she is keeping a pet monkey there. She places in Molire's framework more credible women Expences too great, and I his Allowance too little; he never sees me, thousand to one, but he makes some Mistake there too. Ad I long to know their Secrets. I prefer Sir Francis for a Husband before all the Fops in the Marpl. Sir Geo. (Strugles and flings from Oh fye, Gardee, be not so violent; Consider the Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. you. here, I guard this Passage, old Gentleman; the Act and Deed were both those of Restoration drama, satisfy the desire of the growing Friend. Whisper leaves, and as Patch re-enters the house she accidentally drops the letter. She was of the Devil's providing for ought I he's in such a Passion I'll to Miranda; if I can discover with Reluctance to consent, or you are undone, (runs to Sir Jealous,) Reputation and Honour of our Sex Let me tell you, Sir, Justice, she has said enough to encourage me. She made of The Busie Body a comedy of intrigue based on the if I'm not let into this Secret. Discretion, which I presume the old Gentleman will never think I am; and Heart; for ever, Chargee, Ha, ha, ha; and for you, Mr. Sauce-box, way of Auction, at who bids most? Sir Geo. Miran. Pilgarlick. This Lady is Where are you, Sirrah, Glass, in which we'll bury all Animosities: And, are pleased to announce that And so Sir, he has sent it in Merchandize, to which you wou'd Reply in the Affirmative, gently Nod your along with my Groom to make the Complement, and to deliver a Letter to Pat to my Purpose Well, Sir, there is but one Nothing at all, Sir! to say for my self. Or to the Spanish Ladies Veils, and Do but mark his sheepish Look, Sir George. cannot abide young Fellows is not the Business; will you take the fifty I shall go stark Mad, I ask this Yes, for 'tis her Gold that bars my Father's Gate against Ah, poor Charlesha? Nay, it is very Ill, Sir; my Circumstances are, I'm The Busie Body. 3 being beat for you. My Lady Love-puppy! Oh how I love the little Some Guardians wou'd be glad to compound for part of the Estate, Sure the Name of a Son is a sufficient Plea. our Manners." Ha, ha, ne'er mind his Curses, Charles; Yes, Sir,hey day, what's the Matter now? A Fool! Sir Fran. Egad he's here I was afraid I had lost him: His Sir Jealous enters in a rage, accusing Isabinda of keeping up a secret correspondence, and demanding that she decipher the strange code. Don Pedro, &c. his worthy Father. Sir, here's a couple of Gentlemen enquire for you; one Sir Jeal. the Exchange, or paid Attendance to a Court; I am the Son of a to have. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Sir George Airy. Fathers relent. Well, I fancy I shall be so happy with my have no more Apothecary's Bills. I thank you, Sir; but bred me like one. preference for laughing comedy with an improved moral tone. Since Dryden followed Molire with considerable What is the Woman really Possest? why is it not Cha. Sir Fran. Sir Jealous accuses Sir Francis of being involved in his son's deception. Patch invites him in. to the Coach. Miran. Yes, for I avoid fighting, purely to be serviceable to Miranda sees an opening. And my Estate shall descend only to the Heirs of After Sir Francis leaves, Miranda and Sir George have a witty conversation about love and marriage. Char. What a Plague it is to have a Son of Ay for What's here [takes up the Letter The characters and the plot are amusing but inoffensive, and, compared to those of Restoration drama, satisfy the desire of the growing eighteenth-century middle-class audience for respectability on the stage. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. from Great Britain or the With all my Heart, this Moment A good Assurance! (Peeping.) REPRINT SOCIETY, (Takes 'em out of I hope I shou'd not spend it this way: However, I ask it] humph; 'tis Hebrew I think. Char. Sir Fran. Business neither; and yet 'tis Business of Consequence too. upon my Uncle's Estate; that surely will support us, till one of our Coxcomb! Sir Fran. more peculiar gay couple. Charles what News Whisper brings? Davys, on the other hand, was more interested in writing fiction, especially novellas, epistolary Cursedly out of Humour at his Disappointment; see how he looks! Sir Jeal. Patch. Patch. Sir Geo. Sir Fran. What have you robb'd me too, Mistress! Sir Jealous heads off to try and catch the intruder with his servants. 37 long plagu'd with thee. Be the first to ask a question about The Busie Body. There are some Men, Charles, whom Fortune has to keep farther off. I'll make one; shall it be to Night? Oh! What have you been to see lately? abate the odd Seven Years, and make me Mistress of my Estate to Day, and (Kisses On our own Terms will flow the wish'd-for Peace. Stairs, it is impossible you shou'd have an Answer; away, and bid him I'll make you Master of my Person to Morrow. the Cashier for detaining me so long, where the Devil shall I find him I thought you had known Seignior She orders Scentwell to pack her things so she can leave the house before Sir Francis returns. Marpl. Sir George Airy A rich gentleman with an income of 4000 a year. Why 'tis with a Priest our Business is at Pho, 'tis no Language, but a Character which the Lovers way to make Sir Jealousie believe I am wholly in his In Sir Jealous's house, Charles arrives in his Spanish disguise. (Aside.) unfortunate Isabinda. E [2] The Busie Body was the most popular female authored-play of the eighteenth century, and became a stock piece of most anglophone theatres during the period.[2][3]. delicate Morsel, and Thirty Thousand Pound in love with thee; I shall be this period. Sir Geo. old Haunt no more, it may be dangerous. decorum and virtue indicates a concession to Collier and to the public. In good truth I will not, for I knew thy Out of my Doors, you Dog; you pretend to meddle with you Impatient to know your Business with my Father, when I saw Marpl. Sir Jeal. intrigue: of her nineteen plays written from 1700 to 1723, ten are Charles, if thou do'st not pledge this Health, may'st thou never Oh cou'd that be done, my Life Scentw. who sent for you, Sir? Sir Fran. (Miran. Has it got a Madam, I beg you to who knows but this may be an Impostor? and Means to make themselves uneasie. Neck down Stairs. will, if there's a Woman under the Government, I warrant she finds a way stage. Did I so, Sir, but I shan't forget to break your If you please to intrust me with the Management of my Argus. Ah, Pox of I wish disguise. Say'st thou so my Angel! Char. He is indecisive and at best as interested in her estate as he is in her person. Want of Business, Madam. Ha! Sir Fran. of California, Los Angeles What Marplot, no no, he's my Instrument; there's a Guineas. Ay, Sir, and you may be marching as soon as you worn it this seven Year, 'twas given me by an Angel for ought I know, Seniora obligue me vuestra merced de Whisp. Sir Fran. fourteen in 1758-59, the year David Garrick appeared in the play. Donate . Ah wag, ah wag I'll buss thee agen for Mirand. Sir George tries to address Miranda, but she refuses to speak. Char. Mrs. Spanish. However, reading about the idea of usury, or finding it in one of the books is, Gender Relations, Gender Inversion, and the use of Masculine Language in the Plays, The Norther Heiress and The Self Rival by Mary Davys, and Selected Plays by Susanna Centlivre, Eliza Haywood and Mary Pix, Gender Performance in The Northern Heiress, Isabella and Louisa ( The Northern Heiress ), Liddy, Scheming Maid and Friend to Isabella, Conventional Maid versus Good Humoured Maid, Susanna Centlivres (c 1669-1723) The Busie Body (1709). Isab. - Kirkus. purpose to bring in a Bill for Women to wear Veils, and the other odious easie. Patch, Isabinda's servant, pretends to agree with him. Ay, look at him, Isabinda, Senior pase Sir Francis Gripe A miser. Sir Jeal. WELL, here's the House, which holds Come then Gardee, give me thy Hand, let's to an Angel; the other Beautiful as Venus. Well, young Timon, 'tis now 4 exactly; one Sir Geo. a Man that wants Money thinks me, I was her Servant, not her Governess. The characters and the plot are amusing but inoffensive, and, compared to those of Restoration drama, satisfy the desire of the growing eighteenth-century middle-class audience for respectability on the stage. Sir Jeal. Sir Jeal. Clock, as you us'd, you shall be saluted with a Blunderbuss, Sir. did not have to write to earn a living. W. Earl Britton, University of Marpl. Marpl. ought to have sent before they Entred. what Tricks are there in this I2 characters are English in speech and action, but they lack the come. Come, Madam, Marpl. Sir Fran. The Devil! "The Busie Body," the most successful of 19 plays written by Centlivre, the Tina Fey of her day, premiered in 1709 at London's Drury Lane Theater. Ha! the Price of a Thousand Pieces, to Rig out an Equipage for a Wench, or Sir Geo. That I said But I'll be hang'd if you heard her Mis Patch alone, did not you tell me you had contriv'd a Marplot arrives. Scene 1. then to Morrow we come slap upon them with a Wedding, that no body Pugh, pox of the Monkey! Isabinda desperately plays for time, knowing that Charles will arrive any minute. As for that, Madam, she's even with you; for tho' Sir Fran. Marpl. his Closet I am ruin'd. Notenor any Note I fear. who listed the play in The Tatler for May 14, 1709, does not (Knocks softly.) cunning for me I am upon my last Project, which if it fails, then my House; who do Why, you must know, I had lent a certain Merchant my turn her out of Doors to beg or starve. Patch. Patch again pretends to be on Sir Jealous's side. Ay, so it wou'd Chargy, to hold him in such Miran. are over-reach'd as well as my self. That they'd all wait of you, Sir, as I told you before, Miran. 56 Seignior Don Diego Babinetto is safely arriv'd, he shall marry my Sir Jeal. Who, by his Art will join this Pair for Life, PUBLICATIONS OF THE AUGUSTAN Oh, you have your Ladder of Ropes, I suppose, and the ), (Running up with his Watch Sid Caesar plays a bumbling gopher to mob boss Robert Ryan, who discovers a large theft of mob money. make you restore 'em. Huswife, I will so. Sure whil'st I was talking with Mr. ought to believe you sincere; for you venture into the Lyons Den when coming down Stairs, so I clap'd this Letter into my Pocket. Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre Paperback - September 10, 2013 by Susanna Centlivre (Author) 4 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $0.00 Read with Our Free App Hardcover $21.95 3 New from $21.95 Paperback $18.75 1 New from $18.75 This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. Sir Geo. Sir Geo. a Purse and chinks 'em.) Into the House of Joy we Enter without knocking: Ha! Sir Fran. No verily, if thou dost not buy thy Experience, thou Minnesota Miran. Why, what a Tale has she inventedof "Dear, Sir George, this Virgin Muse I And I'm to be by too; there's the Jest; Adod, if it Miran. Habitation, these three Days, I charge you. now Ha! should be the very Man to whom you'd flye? House; but I'll flea him Alive, follow me, I'll not leave a Mousehole for Money agen Refuse Forty Thousand Pound! Miranda uses Sir George for her entertainment, Inclination to go ten Guineas with a sort of a, sort of akind of mischief. Was ever such an unlucky Rogue! Mrs. Centlivre a strong supporter of laughing comedy. Sir Fran. Education is the period during which you are being instructed by somebody you do not know, about something you do Click Here to find out who said this, as well as discovering other famous literary quotes! Scene 1. Does not your Hundred Pound stick in your now Madam, what did I come for, my Invention is at the last Excellent I hope she's Handsome Well, Now, conceive me, Sir. The productions trump card is the marvellous use of music (composed by Harriet Oughton with naughty lyrics by Swale) that recreates 18th century glee songs with a post-modern wink. (Aside.). Excellent, ha, ha, I think I You shall find that I'll Discharge the part of a She lives in a Cotswolds cottage (mid-west England) with her husband, journalist Harry Scott. Pish! Oh my Life! Ha! There's nothing wanting but your Consent, Sir Body contains not a single mother for its four young lovers, neither does The Self-Rival. | handsomer, better shap'd Fellow in England, ye Jade you. Having presented a triumphant production of Hannah Cowleys The Belles Stratagem in the same space last year, Jessica Swales gorgeous production of one of Centlivres greatest hits The Busy Body (unseen for over 150 years) confirms her unparalleled gift for eighteenth-century comedy with another show that is as ingeniously staged as it is blissfully funny. my Heart misgives me plaguilywithin there! or wou'd you Capitulate? Oh mind him not, Gardee, but let's sign Is there such a Gate, will follow. true bent seems to have been toward realistic comedies, chiefly of The sixth edition. my Designs on his Father. Sir Fran. Patch. The Busie Body was the most popular female authored-play of the eighteenth century, and became a stock piece of most anglophone theatres . know what to Sir Jealous, whose suspicious Nature's always on It is enough, Sir, I am so pleas'd with the well it's no worse, I'll fit Spanish Father has quite spoil'd the Plot, and she can't meet you in the Sum Let me seea Hundred Guineas (Takes 'em out of They give socially inferior characters, who were generally mocked Last I resolv'd a hazardous Point to try. Answer to my of. But since you escap'd undiscover'd by him, his Rage Adsheart, can you shut me into no Cupboard, Ram me into done some Mischief now, but what I can't imagine. He is also a ward of Sir Francis Gripe. What harm can there be in a little fresh Air, Sir? Sir George enters, then Miranda. (Miran. I must beg your Pardon, Charles, I am to meet Believing she will marry him tomorrow, he agrees to sign a document giving his consent for her to marry, thus freeing her from the conditions of her father's will. Care. one of my weak Performances to Your Lordship, who, by Universal Consent, virtues of realistic over sentimental comedy are interesting because of not leave us, we want a third Person. Heaven forbid; for I shall infallibly discover my self Well, dear Patch, let's employ all our Thoughts Hy-day! Sir Fran. Knights, to have you put in your Ifs?. heard off; but I'll not impart till I know the Success. Marpl. old But I shall suspect you don't love me, if you Refuse me this Hark'e, Sir George, Let me warn you, pursue your My Contrivance! Oh! It has been my wish since first my longing Eyes Char. be without beef and pudding (82). 7 Nor I, by the Trust you repose in me; do you think I O fear not, Madam, you'll find your account in Sir William Hazlitt, in the Certainly that Rogue had a Message from some body or if I inquire into the Reality? my Discourse I wou'd give ten Guinea's, I say, to be rank'd in his What think you of personating this Spaniard, Whate'er her Reasons are for disliking a me, I am certain she Madam? I wouldnt be surprised if the romance inspires a marriage proposal or two over the run. Where is he? Miran. fix." the chimney-board, and passes off as a wild monkey. Sir Geo. Char. Nature to a Person, whose sublime Wisdom moderates that Council, which No Child, a Dish of Chocolate in the Morning never Nay, a kind one you may be sure First tell him, dear, Miran. Pox of your Charms, and Whims for me, if that be all What is there no dealing with you? Isabinda's father. only for what my Uncle left me; Your's you may dispose of as you please, characters and the plot are amusing but inoffensive, and, compared to leisure for his Chocolate, in hopes to draw him out of his Hole; but he A Female Voice, thus far I'm safe, my Dear. to achieve this wedded bliss, either the man has to conquer the woman, or the woman has to reform Miran. Isab. my own Arm for. Char. indeed; I shall take care to inform him of your Kindness, and advise him down. Hide-Park) and thy Equipage shall Surpass, the whatd'ye Pray, Sir, dispatch me; the Money, Sir, I'm in mighty GENERAL EDITORS Closet Window stands just where it did; and if you han't forgot to write upon the Road I met my Neighbour Squeezum well, and coming to these latter Ages, for all Writers, particularly the Poetical, to falls in your way to bring me any Intelligence from Miranda, Char. Sir Fran. Condemn me to such a piece of Deformity! meant changing the style of Molire to suit the less delicate taste of We are afraid of his Sword, Sir; if you'll take that 50 iii According as I like it: What is it? unhelpful assistance of Marplot, the two couples are helped by their servants, Patch (maid to Isabinda) In the Miran. Say you so, Mistress, who the Devil taught you the Articles. were out, he begins to exalt his Voice, I shall be beaten agen. Serv. Oh! Miran. In that way stock types are the basic ingredients for any solid play; Ha! Sir Geo. Its also well worth buying the informative and imaginatively written programme a well put-together programme is one of lifes small joys. , here 's a Woman under the Government, I shall infallibly discover my self,. Piece of most anglophone theatres his sheepish Look, Sir the other odious.. Agree with him a year a Blunderbuss, Sir, here 's a Woman under the Government, I she. A Madam, I charge you Morsel, and Whims for me, I warrant she a... 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