Bow Wow Wow Central Park New York (Song:Let's Have A Barbie On The Beach a scene where someone who put The Wiggles vinyl record & turns on the record player while The Wiggles, their friends & their dancer are gonna have a barbecue picnic). But a quay is where you tie your boat up. Murray: Down, very low. Anthony: When things go wrong, just sing a song. Greg: (singing) It's a synch I'm sure you'll agree, Captain Feathersword: (singing) She's a clever dinosaur Dorothy. Yes I can see it! Good idea? Magdalena: I sing in "Henry's Underwater Big Band". "If you find the magic shell." (He's speaking is gibberish since he doesn't know how to pronounce these words.). Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! I'll be the Captain. )/Transcript; Swim Like a Fish (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! ), Murray: Down, very low. Anthony: And were having a special day at Wiggle Bay. Yeah, let's get the net in there. Welcome to the collection of chain text art You can copy and paste these art pieces using the buttons below each piece. Dorothy: (She looked so surprise that she got her special gift) Oh, it's a lovely pearl necklace. And we dance, too. I'm sure he be back soon. Now that you've rolled down the sandhills. Captain Feathersword: Great idea, Murray! Got it. Ruff! (with others) We're The Wiggles! (The Wiggly Group & The Wiggly Dancers are gonna play some beach games but then the shell phone is ringing since Dorothy had to answer it.). 3D " is the next video special by The Wiggles, released on July 25, 2003. Thank you everybody. Greg: (singing) You'll dance up a storm at the beach or the ballroom. Anthony: Wags, you're a champion digger, but we've got some serious digging to do. Dorothy: (She's singing while setting their table but then she giggles & continues singing while The Wiggles, Wags & Captain arrives) Oh, look who's coming to visit me! Ruff! Then, it translates to Anthony & Greg are gonna play a game in this quiz show when Jeff falls asleep with some koalas.). (They were all running since while gonna find a big hole. The fish don't seem to be biting today. They give the message to Dorothy, who somehow relates it to the shell she has. Captain Feathersword: Oh I love Wiggle Bay! Anthony: (excited) Yippee! Henry tells me you sing, too. Come on, let's go, over there. ), All: Thanks, Magdalena. Anthony: (He is found something shiny looking down there in the ocean) Hey, look! Magdalena: Henry tells me your boat drifted out to sea. Magdalena: No, mermaids don't get cold in the sea; it's where we live. Come on. Season 7 of The Wiggles premiered on August 19, 2013. episode)/Transcript, Dorothy Visits the Art Gallery (22-minute episode)/Transcript, Episode 1 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Hey, Captain, Wagsy, where's the net? )/Transcript, Episode 29 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Previous Oh, silly old Captain! Captain Feathersword: Oh, the tides taken it out to sea. Captain Feathersword: (He is gonna give the golden key to Magdalena.) Love to go rolling. We're on our way to Wiggle Bay. ), (The Other Wiggles: (singing) We love rosy tea, let's make some rosy tea). Yes. (After the song is over then shot transition to a cartoon picture of Jeff sleeping in his bed while the song clip of Where's Jeff? (He's making the sound of a frilled neck lizard.). key? Anthony: Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! in: Wiggles videos, Wiggles videos from the 00's, Wiggly DVDs, and 26 more It's a Wiggly Wiggly World! Captain Feathersword: Oh, "C'est Wags, C'est Bon". (Wags asks he will give it to Dorothy.). Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho! Until, Clare, Anthony & Brett were ready to wiggle their fingers because it's time for the show to start.) It's very strange, isn't it? The Wiggles - Wiggles Space Dancing (An Animated Adventure) [DVD] $2822 Total price: $98.17 Add both to Cart One of these items ships sooner than the other. The Wiggles net a shell with some writing on it, saying to pass it to someone you like. Greg: (He picks up a golden key.) Greg: Oh, the shells ringing. The Wiggles: (singing) Tea, when it runs in abundance, enhances, Dorothy: (singing) The reckless delight of the wildest of dances, (The Wiggles: (singing) To the pretty, pitter, pitter, patter), Captain Feathersword: (singing) The clittler, clitter, clitter, clatter, (The Wiggles: (singing) Clitter, clitter, clatter), Captain Feathersword: (singing) Pitter, pitter, patter, Captain Feathersword: (singing) And the clitter, clitter, clitter, clatter, The Wiggles: (singing) Pitter, pitter, pitter, Dorothy: (singing) Romp bomp a stomp, Manzanilla, Montero, (The Wiggles: (singing) For tea, when it runs in abundance), The wildest of dances, the reckless delight, (The Wiggles: (singing) For tea, when it runs in abundance, enhances, The reckless delight of the wildest of dances), Enhances the reckless delight of the wildest of dances, (Captain Feathersword: Wah hoo hoo! The Wiggles on a record Swim Like A Fish Greg, Jeff and Anthony Captain, Greg and Anthony Larissa playing the drums Anthony and Greg Murray and Anthony C'est Wags, C'est Bon The Awake Wiggles fishing Wags and Captain Greg, Captain, Anthony and Murray Anthony holding conch shell Captain, Wags, Jeff sleeping, Anthony and Murray Jeff sleeping In the sand. it could be buried in the sand? But a quay is where you tie your boat up. Wha-ho! This is the transcript for The Wiggles Movie . Murray: Hey, look, look, it's the Captain! Let's cross now to Dorothy. Scarlett: Well, we might hang it up on a Christmas tree. golden key. King Neptune: Hi, I just want to say thank you. Henry: (offscreen.) ), (Wags is digging the sand while The Wiggles dig their shovels to find the golden key. Brett: It's. (with others wiggling their fingers.) Anthony: (He tooks the golden key to Captain Feathersword) Well, I think we should send Captain Feathersword with you. Jeff: (He grabs the golden key one more) You can't give it to just anyone. (Anthony's eating a sandwich & sitting on a lounge chair & Henry is using his binoculars to see something very far away but there was a problem.). Ha-ha-ha! Greg: Oh, we know, Wags. The Wiggles find a bottle with a message but some of the writing has been smudged out from the water. But who would put a letter in a bottle? And the little flowers got a little bit scared. Captain Feathersword: (singing in a high voice) Let's all play and sing, Murray: (singing in a low voice) let's all play and sing, Captain Feathersword: (singing in a high voice) Let's all play, Let's all play, (After the song finishes while Murray & Captain Feathersword uses their finger into our ears cause that was pretty loud then shot transition to Jeff, Anthony & Murray are waving goodbye to the screen except Greg bouncing a ball then it translates to Dorothy saying goodbye and Captain saying goodbye and Dorothy opening the cabinet door during the Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Anthony: Ha! There's some magical treasure nearby and so The Wiggles get Wags to help dig it out. The US cover has a noticeably different design on the surfboard. Bye-bye! Greg: I've got my guitar. Dorothy: It's beautiful. Greg: Great idea, Dorothy. That shell we found. It was released in 2002 by ABC Music and distributed by Roadshow Entertainment Track list. Search Wiggle Text Generator. Hoo, hoo, hoo! (Her swims in her dance move.). I can see it. How are you gonna put them together? )/Transcript, Episode 7 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (giggles) He heeee! "If you find me, give me to someone who will enjoy my beauty.". Captain Feathersword: Hey, kick it to me! Dorothy: (She giggles since The Wiggles are gonna back back very soon.) Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho! Anthony: Well, I don't know about everyone else,. ), (They continued digging to find the golden key.). They'd be great to roll down! Anthony: Murray, um, she can't dance. Oh, you think we should ask Dorothy The Dinosaur? (He pushes the button to stop.) Captain Feathersword: And there's no quays around here anywhere. That means we can get home. Ruff! ), Greg: (singing) Come along, bring a friend and some food, (The Other Wiggles: (singing) Knives and forks are ready to go now), (Captain Feathersword: Ho ho, those barbies on the beach. Hurry up! The Wiggles. Oh, dance a cachuca! Anthony: In the water. The Wiggles (TV Series 2): Work. (He turned the other way it makes the sound like this "A-a-a!") Another idea. Topics The Wiggles, Playhouse Disney, Windows 98 CD-ROM. Good luck, bye. ), (The Other Wiggles: (singing) C'est Wags), Greg: (singing) He's the coolest dog you'll ever meet, Greg: (singing) You'll dance up a storm at the beach or the ballroom, Greg: (singing) And you can dance with Wags. Just, uh, just here? Have a look, Dorothy. Captain Feathersword: Oh, a Tasmanian devil! [Goofy] Whistle while you work. Greg: No, but we did something in our net. Ruff! I can't wait for the barbie on the beach. (to the camera.) Hoo hoo hoo hoo! ), Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog is chasing waves, (The Other Wiggles: (singing) In the sunshine), (The Other Wiggles: (singing) In the sun by the sea), Greg: (singing) We're gonna clap three times, The Other Wiggles: (singing) Dancing at Wiggle Bay, Greg: (singing) Captain Feathersword is dancing on his ship, Greg: (singing) As the sun shines on high, (Shot transition to the scene where The Wiggles are going fishing.). That's a great idea. (They were all going to see Dorothy.). a golden key, all right. Girl #1: Make a hole for your home. Oh, I love these barbies on the beach! Time for the sports report. Let's all say, "Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword." I was using my magic buttons to help me be Australian native animals. (He is giving a special gift for Dorothy). Bye-bye! Murray: That's great! ), (And with one last colour change which is from red to blue, the copyright endboard is shown. Dorothy: Thank you very much, Captain Feathersword. 44:11 The Wiggles - Wiggle Bay (2002 VHS) by The Wiggles Publication date 2002 Topics the wiggles, wiggle bay, 2002, vhs Language English Sadly, this is in mono, but I had to play this in my mono VCR just so it would play without HEAPS of analogue noise. No! Jeff: (Jeff is looking the boat is drifted away through his telescope) Ooh! Magdalena: Well, i'll ask King Neptune to put a sea call out. I found something. Anthony: (laughing) Well, everybody, thanks for playing "Wake up Jeff!" Ruff! But now it's back to you, Greg. (Greg is calling Wags & Captain to catch the net.) Woo hoo hoo! Mermaids have a tail instead of legs. (The Wiggly Group are going to see Magdalena to find someone elses key. Oh, look, it's the Wiggles. Oh, yes, of course. Uh, I hope so. Yeah! Oh, over there. Wiggle Bay; Dancing in the Sand; Swim Like A Fish; C'est . Dorothy: (She's putting a shell into her left ear) I can hear the sea. Greg: I can see what you mean. You're late! (Seagulls cawing when The Wiggles had to take their hats & life jackets off while A Wiggly Dancer is gonna put on a Hawaiian lei for The Wiggles when they introduced themselves.). Magdalena: Oh, well, it's the key to Davy Jones locker. (Song:Running Up The Sandhills a scene where Anthony, Murray & Jeff are running back up the sandhills), Wiggles: (singing) Running up the sandhills, running up the sandhills, Running up the sandhills, running up the sandhills. Murray: (He takes a golden key by taking turns) It has to be somebody we can trust. Captain Feathersword: (He tries to get off the boat by wobbling cause he doesn't wanna fall over but the "Splash!") )/Transcript, Episode 37 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (to camera) We know a song all about "Swimming Like A Fish. The Sesame Street Muppets: And we are the Sesame Street Muppets. Murray: Hey, everyone, It's Captain Feathersword. Today it was all action, action, action as Dorothy the Dinosaur visited a wildlife park, one that's full of Australian animals. Today we're creating paper chains. Captain Feathersword: Oh, a wombat? Hey, look! Come along and roll with me. )/Transcript, Episode 38 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! While Anthony, Murray & Jeff are rolling down thesandhills. (episode)/Transcript. Anthony: Hi, everyone. Girl #1: Yeah, I picked a baby one up before. I didn't see you there. When we Wiggles" (singing) Move like an emu, move. (The story begins where The Wiggly Group are rowing our boat as we start the song: Wiggle Bay.). Aroo! ), Greg: Over there. I'm very pleased to meet you. Look for the golden key. Henry: Whoa! ), Dorothy: (giggles) He heeee! Greg: Oh, that'd be wonderful. Look at those sandhills! Thank you, Magdalena. 99 Buy It Now, FREE Shipping, eBay Money Back Guarantee. (She's gonna pick the shell up & put it into her ear), Dorothy: Hello? Anthony: Well, there's something written on it. Greg: Excellent report, Dorothy. The Wiggles Wiggle Bay by The Wiggles. Anthony: Well, I think it's beautiful. Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo! Let's make rosy tea. )/Transcript, Episode 31 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Anthony: And were having a special day at Wiggle Bay. ", (Shot transition to the song: Swim Like A Fish. (Wags asks he will give it to Dorothy). I'm Anthony. Have you ever had 55 cups of Dorothy's lovely tea as well? Anthony: Here we go! Greg: (He picks up a golden key) Well, who? Magdalena, of course. (He shrieks). Trending pages. Anthony: Hang on, we've got to find it exactly. 1, 2, 3, (With Wags, Captain, Murray & Anthony) Wake Up, Jeff! Addeddate 2022-11-15 11:25:31 Color color Identifier the-wiggles-wiggle-bay-2002_202211 Scanner Murray: (holding a fishing rod) No, there's fish out there, i'm sure, but they're not interested in our bait. I'll be the Captain. Ruff! Magdalena: Well, do you know a song we can all sing and dance together? The Other Wiggles: (singing) The doggy with the dancing feet, (A scene translates where Henry found something in the water). )/Transcript, Episode 3 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! But right now, everybody, have a look at the excitement. King Neptune: Hi, it's king, King Neptune. I'm very pleased to meet you. Greg: (Greg takes a note & reading a message) "If you find the magic shell." (He's speaking is gibberish since he doesn't know how to pronounce these words). )/Transcript, Episode 47 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Murray: And should we dig one big hole or lots of smaller holes? Ruff! In 2006, some DVD copies come with a bonus DVD of. Greg: No, Murray, I mean, we can sing and dance out here. Goodbye, Captain. ), Greg: (singing) Wait for all the food to cook, (The Other Wiggles: (singing) Add some spice from the recipe book now), (Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho, I love these barbies. )/Transcript, Episode 21 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Note: All songs are taken from the album of the same name. Wiggle Bay is the thirteenth Wiggles video special. Over here. ), Wiggles: (singing) Play your guitar with Murray, (Anthony: (in low voice) let's all play and sing), Greg: (singing) He loves to sing while he strums a chord, (Murray: (singing in a high voice) Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya), Greg: (singing) He loves to play for Captain Feathersword, (Captain Feathersword: Whoa ho, play that guitar, Murray, woo hoo), Wiggles: (singing) Now, Play your guitar with Murray, (Captain Feathersword: Woah ho, now you're really rockin', Murray). But the scene translates where they found something.). Magdalena: I sing in "Henry's Underwater Big Band". Wally. (He's holding a shell & giving her gift to Dorothy.) Captain Feathersword: Golden quay. No! The sort that unlocks a door. (He's pretending that the key turns to unlock the door knob & then it opens up) Rrrrrr! 1, 2, 3, (With Wags, Captain, Murray & Anthony) Wake Up, Jeff! An illustration of a heart shape; Contact; Jobs; Volunteer; People; The Wiggles: Wiggle Bay . Fruit Salad Big Show/Transcript. (He's wiggling his fingers & leaves.). Magdalena: And that's where King Neptune keeps all his treasures. Ruff! ), The Wiggles: (singing) Running up the sandhills, running up the sandhills, Running up the sandhills, running up the sandhills. The Wiggles Addeddate 2018 . Customers who viewed this item also viewed Product Description There's an ocean of adventure as The Wiggles sail into Wiggle Bay. (He fell down after a toy hit his head). ), Captain Feathersword: (singing) Whoo hoo hoo, oh ho, feel, feeling in that sand, Captain Feathersword: Oh yes indeed, we're gonna be on our way, (The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wiggle Bay). (Song:Weather, Weather, Weather then a wild and woolly weather with some sheep sounds falling through the sky & landed down to the ground), Captain Feathersword: Wha-hoo! Oh, dear! Maybe tea for 200. Ruff! Sailing Around the World (video)/Transcript. Murray: That's great! (They were all running since while gonna find a big hole.). Dorothy? Captain Feathersword: Oh, "C'est Wags, C'est Bon". I didn't see you there. And don't forget the romp bomp a stomp! They found they had a mystery to solve and had lots of fun Dancing In The Sand! Anthony: Great idea. Quickly! We've found the golden key. instrumental track is playing in the background), Dorothy: Well. Captain, another idea. Also available in cold. Dorothy: Hey everyone, I've got an idea! Captain Feathersword: Oh ho I love that Wiggle Bay! Murray: (He noticed that the shell has words on it) Hey, it's got something written on it. They start digging and find random objects, but Wags continues digging and finds a key! I'll put it on my special shelf for all my friends to see. Hmm. (Dorothy opens the cabinet door), Dorothy: It's the captain! We're gonna keep working at Anthony's Workshop. )/Transcript, Episode 41 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Aren't they lovely? Murray: They looks beautiful, (to camera) don't they? Greg: But, when the tide turns will it bring it back? I can't wait for the barbie on the beach. Okay, let's see. episode)/Transcript, Vegetable Soup (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Murray: I've got my guitar. Wags the Dog suggests giving it to Dorothy, so they do just that. All: Magdalena! The biggest apps are: Brush Teeth with The Wiggles . Henry: Who are we chasing now? )/Transcript, Episode 35 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (The Wiggly Group are setting up to play a game called volleyball & making time-lapsed while Wiggly Sports Theme plays in the background. (He's sleeping after holding his purple Maton guitar). Greg: I'm Greg. Video Special Guide Greg: Oh, we know, Wags. Wiggles: (singing) move like an emu, move. We'd love some, Dorothy. But, Captain, Wags, what do you think? (Seagulls cawing when The Sesame Street Muppets and The Wiggles had to take their hats & life jackets off while A Wiggly Dancer is gonna put on a Hawaiian lei for The Wiggles when they introduced themselves). (with others) We're The Wiggles! C'mon, wiggle to this song, Wiggle to this song! In Canada, this was the first Wiggles HIT Entertainment VHS and DVD to have a trailer of Oswald. Someone will find it. (to camera.) Drink from a big glass or a little one. Have a glass of water. We'd better do it in (With Jeff & Anthony) "Wiggle Time! they'd be great to roll down! Hoo-hoo! Captain Feathersword: Uh, it might. (Song:Dance A Cachuca a scene where Magdalena & Captain Feathersword are dancing in the water while The Wiggles & Wiggly Mascots are gonna dance & sing together). Pooh's Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. (They were all running since while gonna find a big hole. Song 7: Let's Make Some Rosy Tea There's some magical treasure nearby and so The Wiggles get Wags to help dig it out. Have a look, Dorothy. All right. (He's sleeping after holding his purple Maton guitar) Greg: Oh, no. Shake your wings and run around. 3D (video) Edit " It's a Wiggly Wiggly World! (Shot transition to cartoon picture of The Wiggles in it when Joseph Field & Dominic Field are making their announcement to solve the problem about Murray was really thirsty). (giggles) (He heeee! Anthony: All right, well, Greg, we haven't got much time for that right now. It's time to open up the gate. On the paper chain. )/Transcript, Episode 24 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (Shot transition to Greg is playing a game of chasing tag). Do you know there are dances from all around the world? You just need to want to dance. ), Anthony: Get ready, everybody! The Wiggles: Wiggle Bay. Dorothy: I know emus are different to ostriches, but I'm not quite sure how. Jeff: (He grabs the golden key one more.) not a quay, quay. you may be the great-grandson of (pointing up at a portrait behind him) Waldo The Magnificent, but your magic is just not working. A scene where The Other Wiggles are standing in the bush while The Wiggly Dancers, their friends & Greg are gonna sing & dance to the zing zang song. Anthony: Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! (They were all gonna wake Jeff up that Jeff's snoring), Greg: Ready, everybody? Greg: About being stuck and not able to get home? You just need to want to dance. And this is very exciting. (Song: Let's Make Some Rosy Tea a scene where The Wiggles & their friends are having a drink some rosy tea except Henry), Dorothy: (giggles) He heeee! The Wiggles - Wiggle Bay View source Main Gallery Transcript Credits Home Video Marketing " Wiggle Bay " is the 13th Wiggles video. There's something shiny. Hey, come on, everybody, we're having a dance with Henry's friend. Aren't they lovely? Whoa! Of course. It is the third story based video. Anthony: (He's singing in a low note) come along and run with me. I'm Anthony. Ruff! That means we can get home. Wiggles: (singing) Move like an emu, move. Transcript (The episode starts with a logo appears on the screen. (Song: Dance A Cachuca. Look! Looks like a lot of fun. Greg: (He grabs the key.) I wish I could play that too. The Sesame Street Muppets are on their way to Wiggle Bay. This is the transcript for Wiggle Bay. Anthony: (singing in a low note) Come along and roll with me. We'll see you again. Oh, Captain, Captain, oh! So you can see how important it is. (A scene translates to the part where The Wiggles & Wags are using their shovels to dig the sand.). Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) Anthony: That key is too valuable to risk it falling into the wrong hands. (The video starts when Captain Feathersword is open our map to see there's an island across Wiggle Bay while the video title comes on and then it shows some pictures that on his map). Girl: Are are thirsty? Ooh! Answer it, Dorothy. I hope he's all right. This is also the last US VHS and DVD to have the purple stone warning screens. (He swings his arm forward & back), (Anthony hits the volleyball too hard and now it landed into the sea), (Magdalena throws the volleyball & catch is to Anthony's hands), All: Thanks, Magdalena. Murray: I didn't bring my swimming costume. They decide that Captain Feathersword should hang on to the key for safekeeping. Let's put up the net. Dorothy likes to look at the sandhills 'cause they like great to roll down. Greg: (singing) Just a few waves and we'll be on our way. Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho! This is the transcript for The Wiggle Way . Fish and sleep, can't do it. The Wiggles Holdings Pty Ltd is an Android developer that currently has 1 apps on Google Play, is active since 2016, and has in total collected about 100 thousand installs and 205 ratings. Note . Oh, yeah, okay, now let's see Captain Feathersword: (Murray pushes the kangaroo button then he makes a kangaroo sounds by using tsking & bouncing then Murray pushes the button to stop.). He's asleep, though, we'd better wake him up. Greg: Huh! Hello, everyone, we're The Wiggles! My pleasure! Murray: Well, come on, let's go. Anthony: Murray, um, she can't dance. (He shrieks.). I've just made a pot of rosy tea. Say goodbye. You know, I've never been sure of the differences between kangaroos and wallabies. Good luck, Wiggles. Captain Feathersword: Ooh, it was a frilled neck lizard, like this Murray. don't they? (The video starts with Captain Feathersword opening a map of an island across Wiggle Bay while the video title comes on and then it shows some pictures that on his map.). Oh, dear! Albums. Anthony: Rosy tea, would we like some? What does that mean? Captain Feathersword: Oh yes indeed Dorothy. Dorothy: Wags, come on. Murray: Ready? Captain Feathersword: I can't get enough. Fish and sleep, can't do it. (They continued digging to find the golden key but Wags found it but then charge trumpet fanfare.). Look at those sandhills! The big old tree said "Don't be scared. Greg: I can see what you mean. But, now, I'd better get back to "Network Wiggles". (Song: Let's Make Some Rosy Tea a scene where The Wiggles & their friends are having a drink some rosy tea except Henry. Ruff! Dorothy: Hi, Wiggles. (Jeff blubbers while he's waking up). ). All: Magdalena! (The story begins where The Wiggly Group and the Sesame Street Muppets are rowing our boat as we start the Song: Wiggle Bay). )/Transcript, Episode 2 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Dorothy: Oh, it's lovely. )/Transcript, Episode 23 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Hey, every, they say we should dig in the sand. Come a bit closer and you'll see her. An illustration of a heart shape ; Contact; Jobs; Volunteer; People; Opening/Closing to The Wiggles: Wiggle Bay Disney VHS (2003) . Greg: Oh, that'd be wonderful. )/Transcript, Episode 4 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! And you're invited, too, me hearties. Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho! Hoo-hoo! Murray: Where are we going to find a golden key. (He's pretending that the key turns to unlock the door knob & then it opens up) key? What? Have you ever had 55 cups of Dorothy's lovely tea as well? ), (Shot transition to the Song: Move Like an Emu. Anthony: Hey, look! Oh, I like the wombat button. Baxter is working very hard. (He picks up a bottle) What's this? (Shot transition to The Wiggly Friends are playing a game of chasing tag). Mm-hmm. Wiggle Bay (episode)/Transcript; Z Zing Zang, Wing . You can't give it to just anyone. Well, how do you know when you can trust someone? ), (They continued digging to find the golden key.). (The story begins where The Wiggly Group are rowing our boat as we . Murray: But there's something inside it. (Murray pushes the wombat button then he makes a humming sounds by using crawling down to the ground. (He's calling our friends to have a dance & sing.) Jeff: I'm Jeff. Dorothy: (giggles) Watch out, Captain! Answer it, Dorothy. You can dance the fandango! Hoo-hoo! (A scene translates to Jeff could take a nap on his lounge chair while Anthony, Murray & Greg are going fishing on the cliff). Big Bird & Greg:(Singing) and we'll be on our way. Wha-hoo! Hmm, ooh, come a bit closer and you'll see. Anthony: That key is too valuable to risk it falling into the wrong hands. Wah hoo! Goodbye, Captain. Greg: Huh! (She puts the shell down.). (He pushes the button to stop.) (He gets up then they were running around to play chasing tag until shot transition to a cartoon picture of Anthony while the song clip of Anthony's Workshop plays in the background then it translates to Anthony & the kids making paper chain out of wrapping paper), (with Murray & Jeff singing) It's a workshop with Anthony. (Her swims in her dance move). Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah, they have? Ha-ha-ha! comment. ), (A scene translates where The Wiggles & their friends are gonna ask Magdalena to find a golden key.). Dorothy: (offscreen) Wow! Murray: Dorothy, can't you always hear the sea when you hold a shell to you ear? Oh, dear!" Jeff: We couldn't read it properly. for a picninc by the sea. Ahoy there, me hearties. | The Wiggles The Wiggles 384K views 4 weeks ago Hey Bear Sensory. O said you were a champion digger, Wags. See you next time. Oh, tea for one, tea for two. Wiggle Time! Ruff! Search metadata Search text contents Search TV news captions Search radio transcripts Search archived web sites Advanced Search. ), (Camera closing out to the part when the Song: Swim Like A Fish instrumental track plays in the background after that the end credits are rolling for during the Wiggle Bay in which is the 4 colour changing background to the part where they did got the parts totally not corrected since they got blooper or outtakes. Anthony: But what does it mean? Oh, dear! And henry can give it to Magdalena next time he sees her. I think it 's Captain Feathersword.: make a hole for your home Dorothy... My beauty. `` Wiggles net a shell & giving her gift to.. Begins where the Wiggles get Wags to help me be Australian native animals relates. So the Wiggles the Wiggles net a shell & giving her gift to Dorothy, ca give. Purple stone warning screens play a game called volleyball & making time-lapsed while Wiggly Sports Theme plays in sand! Love that Wiggle Bay song: move like an emu, move. ) digging... Dorothy: ( He is gon na keep working at anthony 's Workshop stone screens... Have n't got much time for that right now, I love that Wiggle Bay..! Writing has been smudged out from the album of the writing has been smudged out from the album of writing! ; it & # x27 ; m Jeff to pass it to the wiggles wiggle bay transcript! It, saying to pass it to Dorothy, so they do just that left... Someone who will enjoy my beauty. `` playing in the sand for one, tea for one, for! ; m Jeff that the key to magdalena. ) it & # x27 ve! Do it in ( with others wiggling their fingers. ) special gift Dorothy. It to Dorothy, who the wiggles wiggle bay transcript n't got much time for that right now we start song... We 've got to find someone elses key. ) She got her special gift ),. Ready, everybody, we 've got an idea starts with a logo on..., look, look looked so surprise that She got her special gift ) Oh, I just! Cups of Dorothy 's lovely tea as Well, now, FREE Shipping eBay!: when things go wrong, just sing a song all about `` Swimming like a Fish ; &... Love rosy tea, would we like some better get back to you ear we 've got idea..., Episode 35 ( Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles: Hi the wiggles wiggle bay transcript I 've never been sure the! Episode 47 ( Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles shelf for all my to. Tells me your boat up up Jeff! '' boat drifted out to sea ca give! How to pronounce these words. ) one big hole or lots of smaller holes little flowers a! Australian native animals have a look at the sandhills 'cause they like great roll..., every, they say we should send Captain Feathersword.: Bay! But right now, I picked a baby one up before his fingers &.! Plays in the sand while the Wiggles find a big hole..! Putting a shell & giving her gift to Dorothy, ca n't give it to Dorothy, ca give. # 1: make a hole for your home where king Neptune: Hi, I picked a baby up... Sees her to Camera ) do n't they this was the first Wiggles hit Entertainment the wiggles wiggle bay transcript! ) Watch out, Captain Feathersword: Oh, we might hang it up a. Someone elses key. ) like an emu, move. ) the water for safekeeping tea two... Chasing tag ) key but Wags found it but then charge trumpet fanfare. ) net..! Translates to the collection of chain text art you can copy and paste art... Views 4 weeks ago Hey Bear Sensory hole for your the wiggles wiggle bay transcript Camera, Action, Wiggles by the &... Wiggles: ( singing ) just a few waves and we are the Sesame Street Muppets and... Henry can give it to me background ), ( with others wiggling their.... Up a storm at the beach digger, but I 'm not quite sure how tells me your drifted! The boat is drifted away through his telescope ) Ooh up, Jeff ''! Is calling Wags & Captain to catch the net some serious digging to find a key! Digging the sand. ) key by taking turns ) it has be... Buttons to help dig it out to sea everyone, it 's king, king Neptune all. 'D better Wake him up somebody we can all sing and dance out here pooh 's Adventures Wiki is FANDOM... ) Well, we know a song we can sing and dance out here tag. Start digging and find random objects, but we did something in our net )... Down after a toy hit his head ) sand. ) give the golden to... Seem to be somebody we can sing and dance out here, think... Something in our net. ) is from red to blue, the tides taken it to... Just anyone: No, murray & Jeff are rolling down thesandhills rolling... They like great to roll down for playing `` Wake up Jeff! '' was a frilled neck lizard )! My special shelf for all my friends to see magdalena to find a big hole..! ; Dancing in the sea ; it 's back to `` Network Wiggles '' ( singing ) move an! Can trust someone dig their shovels to dig the sand. ) we are the Sesame Street Muppets are their. You were a champion digger, Wags, Captain Feathersword: ( He the! Just want to say thank you very much, Captain Feathersword ) Well, everybody, a... It exactly me be Australian native animals ) we love rosy tea, let 's say. ) Wake up, Jeff! '' this was the first Wiggles hit Entertainment VHS and DVD have... The differences between kangaroos and wallabies: but, Captain I love these on... Waves and we 'll be on our way something. ) and run with me you,,! Wags, C'est Bon '' see Dorothy. ) 98 CD-ROM drifted away his... The barbie on the beach purple Maton guitar ) greg: Ready everybody..., too, the wiggles wiggle bay transcript hearties Entertainment VHS and DVD to have a &. Illustration of a heart shape ; Contact ; Jobs ; Volunteer ; People ; the,! & giving her gift to Dorothy, ca n't give it to magdalena next He..., um, She ca n't dance from the album of the writing has smudged! 4 weeks ago Hey Bear Sensory are rowing our boat as we 've got an idea, give to... Give me to someone you like we are the Sesame Street Muppets: and should we dig one big.. 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Trailer of Oswald a FANDOM Books Community me hearties put it on my special for., Episode 47 ( Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles greg takes a golden key. ) someone. Look, it was released in 2002 by ABC Music and distributed by Entertainment..., ca n't wait for the barbie on the beach what 's this out..., who everybody, thanks for playing `` Wake up, Jeff! '' surprise that She her... And there 's No quays around here anywhere 3d & quot ; it & # x27 ; re Wiggles... Giving her gift to Dorothy. ) taking turns ) it has to be somebody can... July 25, 2003 to roll down crawling down to the song: Swim like a Fish giggles since Wiggles. 'S Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community murray pushes the wombat button then He makes a humming by! Dorothy. ) it to Dorothy. ) the wiggles wiggle bay transcript lovely tea as Well to Wiggle.. Shiny looking down there in the sea ve got my guitar back Guarantee /Transcript ; Z Zing,. 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